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After dinner Liam went straight to his dorm and I told Rose that I needed to go to the library because I needed a book for Potions, I know it's kind of weird but I really like Potions and Professor Snape so I really don't want to fail his class

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After dinner Liam went straight to his dorm and I told Rose that I needed to go to the library because I needed a book for Potions, I know it's kind of weird but I really like Potions and Professor Snape so I really don't want to fail his class.
As I was walking to the library a large figure walked in my direction, it was him, at first I thought he was walking past next to me but he wasn't, he was walking straight towards me and I know it sounds stupid but I panicked, I walked in the opposite direction and ran to my dorm.
When I finally arrived at my dorm, Rose asked me where my book was so I told her everything, me looking at mattheo during the dinner, him smiling when he saw me looking at him, him walking towards me and me panicking and finally i told her that i ran away.
The second I finished Rose laughed, she LAUGHED, so hard that she couldn't breath, what a bitch, it wasn't even funny.
" It's not funny. "
" No I know, I know. "
" Then stop laughing! "
She stoped, we looked at each other and bursted at laughing, I love those moment between us, I feel like we have a special bond and the fact that we understand each other whithout needing to talk make me feel loved and understood.
" Good night Mia " ,she said softly
" Good night Rose. "

When I woke up Rose was of course ready for her breakfast, Rose is the kind of girl who always looks clean, she is a morning person.

After getting ready I grabbed my books and Rose and I went to the common room where we found Liam.
"What's your first class", Rose asked as we ate our breakfast.
"I have Defence Against the Dark Arts with the new teacher", I replied.
Liam had Potions and Rose had DADA with me.
To be honest I was kind of curious to see who our new teacher was, after Quirell, Gilderoy Lockhart or even Lupin who was a werewolf (which I kind of liked though) nothing could be worse, right?
Well, I thought so, but when I walked into the classroom with Rose and saw our teacher, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. There she was, wearing a pink dress and a hat of the same colour, honestly it was kind of funny, she looked like a Karen.

I always thought that DADA was a pratical subject but with our new teacher Dolores Ombrage (Karen), we only read books about it which I found pretty weird and I wasn't the only one, Harry Potter was of the same opinion.
He believes that Cedric's death had something to do with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Cedric was a great guy, we weren't close, but there was still a void left when he died.
Him and Cho Chang were a thing and when he died she was devastated, so now everyone kind of looks after her.
"Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself ? "
Everyone knew that Harry believed of the return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, no one believed him but to be honest I also felt that something was off especially after Cedric's death.
And of course Professor Ombrage thought that he was crazy.

My next class was Potions, potions is the only class with all of the houses, so I could admire Mattheo, if he was there of course.
As I walked to my next class alone because Rose had charms, someone grabbed my arm and guided me to an empty classroom , when I was about to scream I saw his face, Fred...
"Is this one of your prank ?", I asked suspicious
"No, I need to ask you about something" he replied
"What is it ?" I asked
"Harry want to train us, you in ?" He suddenly said
"Train us ?" I repeat not sure of what I heard
"With the new teacher we are not going to know how to protect ourselves, so Harry wants to train us just in case something happens, I'm not saying that something will happen but if it does then we'll be prepared." He replied with determination
"Ok I'm in." I finally said
"Really ?" He asked not sure if I was joking or not
"Yeah, but where do you want us to train ?" I asked
"Don't worry about that, oh and also it's kind of a secret so don't tell anyone ok ?" He replied
"Ok" I simply said

Of course I was late, Fred kindly offered to walk me to class and to explain to Professor Snape why i was late, so I accepted.
Before knocking to the door (of the classroom ofc) I turned to Fred
"Are you sure you want to talk to Snape, you can still run, you know that right ?" I asked
"And leave you alone facing his rage, a gentleman wouldn't do that." He replied with a joking tone
If I wasn't scared to face Professor Snape, I would have laughed for sure.
Fred knocked at the door and Snape opened it.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here, miss Joly give us the pleasure of her presence !" Said professor Snap.
I felt so bad everyone was looking at us, I wanted to throw up I really don't like being the center of attention.

When Fred saw how much I felt bad he started talking:
"I'm sorry Professor but Mia is not to blame, I am, I needed to talk to her about a project she's helping me with, that's why she's late, it's entirely my fault, and I'm prepared to take the consequences." Fred said confidently.
Professor Snape looked at both of us and respond:
"Fine, 10 point less for Gryffindor !" Replied professor Snape.
"EXCUSE ME ?" Exclaimed Fred in an offended tone that made me chuckle.
"So you think it's funny miss Joly, you will laugh in detention." Said Snape.
I was shocked it was the first time in my LIFE that I had detention, me and Fred looked at each other too stunned to speak.
After that I entered the classroom and Fred left I sat down and listen to Snape talking, but I could feel that someone was looking at me and when I looked behind me I met the darkest look I'd ever seen, it was Mattheo. It was weird because it was the first time in 4 years that he had looked at me so directly, I decided to ignore him, Mattheo is a player and I love him but I will not be one of those girls who are just toys for mens, I'm not an object that he can use and throw whenever he wants to, I think this is why I keep running away from him. I like loving him from afar and dreaming of a futur with him that will never actually happen.
It was finally time to eat as I was leaving the classroom, I saw Mattheo walking towards me so did what I do the best: I ran away.

"Are you all right? You look like you've run a marathon," Liam asked as I sat down next to him in the Great Hall.
I looked at Rose and she looked at me, she knew I had run away from Mattheo.
"Wow, what was that?" asked Liam.
"What was what?" I asked.
"That look," Liam replied.
"What look?" asked Rose.
"That, I know what's going on because where best friends kind of look, why am I not part of that look?" asked Liam.
Just as I was about to tell him everything I felt someone sitting next to me and when I turned to see who it was I saw him, Mattheo was sitting next to me with a grin on his face.
I looked at Rose and then Liam, they looked at me in shock and I was as shocked as they were.
When I looked back at him he asked:
"Why do you keep running away from me, love?"

Hi guys what do you think about the second chapter, I personally like it don't worry we will see more of Fred and Liam.
I hope that you guys like the story!!!
Xoxo me

1380 words

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