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This whole situation was weird but honestly for the first time in my life I really tried not to overthink what happened, I didn't want to be delusional and end up disappointed

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This whole situation was weird but honestly for the first time in my life I really tried not to overthink what happened, I didn't want to be delusional and end up disappointed.
When it was finally time for lunch, Rose and I decided to ask the girls about the sleepover, she went to ask Luna and I went to ask Hermione and Ginny.
Without any surprises I found them eating with Harry and Ronald, to be honest I always liked Harry more than Ronald because he could be rude to me and other girls sometimes and it would always kind of upset me, I feel like the only girl he will ever really respect is Hermione, on the other hand Harry was a total sweetheart, He was always kind to everyone and he had this need to save people around him which made me like and respect him even more, I really don't understand the way Draco treats him and I really love him and Ginny, she's kind of like me with Mattheo, she always had a crush on him, like me, she always admired him from afar, like me, she never told him she loved him, like me.
" Oh, Mia, how are you? " Ginny asked nicely when she noticed me.
" I'm great, what about you? " I replied.
" We're great, thanks for asking," Hermione said.
" So I wanted to ask you girls if you would like to have sleepover ? " I asked.
" Yeah, that's a great idea, we all need a break I think," Hermione replied.
" Perfect, so come to our dorm on Sunday at 8 o'clock," I said.
" Yeah sure, thanks Mia," Ginny thanked.
" You're welcome," I replied.
After that I went back to the Hufflepuff table and asked Rose if Luna said yes, and she did, so the sleepover was on.

Lunch was over and it was finally time to work on the project with Mattheo, to be honest I was a bit nervous, especially after what happened in class and what I learned afterwards.
When I arrived at the library, Mattheo wasn't there, it wasn't a surprise, that guy didn't know what being on time meant, and that was the reason why we were supposed to do this.

After twenty minutes he finally decided to show up, when I started talking to him about what to do I realised he wasn't paying attention to what I was saying, well, there I was, trying to explain the project to Mattheo, but it seemed like his mind was elsewhere. I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. I decided to take a different approach and said, "Hey, Mattheo, I know it doesn't interest you that much, but this project is important to both of us. Can you please focus and give me your full attention?"

He looked up, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Oh, Mia, you know me too well," he said, his voice filled with playful charm. "But don't worry, I'm all ears now. Tell me everything we need to do."

Relieved that he was finally paying attention, I started explaining the project in detail. Mattheo listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with witty comments or teasing remarks. Despite his flirtatious nature, I couldn't help but enjoy way too much his company. There was something intriguing about his confidence and quick wit.

As we delved deeper into the project, it has just reinforced my belief that Mattheo wasn't just a playboy. He had a sharp mind and brought fresh perspectives to our work. We bounced ideas off each other, laughing and challenging one another along the way. It was a surprisingly productive and enjoyable collaboration.

Time flew by, and before we knew it, the library was closing. We promised to meet again soon to continue working on the project. As I walked back to my dorm, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about where this unexpected connection with Mattheo would lead.

Sunday night finally came and it was time for the girls to have a proper sleepover.
Luna was the first one to arrive , being a unique and whimsical person, she was wearing pajamas with celestial patterns like moon and star prints. She is the type of person who prefer loose-fitting, flowy pajamas in pastel colors or with quirky designs. Luna's style is often dreamy and ethereal, so her pajama reflected perfectly that with soft fabrics and unconventional details.
She was followed by Ginny and Hermione, Hermione, being a studious and practical person, prefers more comfortable and functional pajamas. She opted for cozy, yet simple sets made of soft cotton or flannel. Hermione also appreciate pajamas with a touch of elegance, like classic stripes or subtle patterns. Practicality and comfort is likely her main considerations when choosing her sleepwear.

Oh and let's not forget, Ginny Weasley, the spirited and adventurous Gryffindor! She has a bold and playful taste in pajamas. She enjoyed pajama sets with vibrant colors or fun patterns like stars, hearts, or even Quidditch-related designs. Ginny's style reflects her fiery personality, so her pajamas always have a touch of sassiness or a hint of mischief. Comfort and a touch of flair would be key for Ginny's sleepwear choices.
After their arrival, they settled and the sleepover stated.
As the night progressed, me and my friends settled in for an epic movie marathon. The room was filled with laughter, screams, and gasps as I watched my favorite films. Luna, Hermione, and Ginny couldn't stop snacking on the popcorn, and we all had a blast discussing the plot twists and memorable scenes.

After the movies, I decided to have a DIY spa night. We gathered face masks, nail polish, and scented candles. The room transformed into a tranquil oasis as we pampered ourselves, sharing beauty tips and secrets. The giggles and conversations filled the air, creating an atmosphere of pure relaxation and joy.

As the night grew later, we all gathered for a mini photoshoot to capture the memories. We posed with silly props, made funny faces, and struck glamorous poses. The camera clicks echoed through the room, freezing those precious moments in time.

Finally, we all settled down for a cozy sleepover. The room was filled with soft whispers and shared secrets as you drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth of friendship.

Right before we were about to hit the hay, I casually asked the girls which house they thought had the most handsome guys, honestly the fact that I had a massive crush on Mattheo didn't change the fact that Gryffindor had the most gorgeous boys, but I still wanted the girls opinion on it.
"I would say Slytherin, but their arrogance and ignorance make them hard to like" answered Hermione which surprised me, maybe that rumor about her Draco during year three was true after all.
Luna approved which wasn't much of an astonishment for me, after all she dated Blaise.
"What about you Mia, what house do you think has the most attractive boys" asked Rose.
"Honestly I would say Gryffindor, have you seen Oliver Wood, thank Merlin I had the chance to live at the same time as him, what a babe, and don't get me started on Dean Thomas, no offense Ginny but he is so much more attractive than Harry, I mean even Seamus is kind of cute" ,I replied.
" I knew you had a crush on Oliver Wood!!" Suddenly said a euphoric Rose.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment.

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