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" Why do you keep running away from me, love? "My eyes widened, he was right there, in front of me, calling me love

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" Why do you keep running away from me, love? "
My eyes widened, he was right there, in front of me, calling me love.
I never thought Mattheo would talk to me, especially in front of everyone, I'm not even his type, I know everything about him, including what kind of girls he likes, Mattheo likes tall, blonde girls with blue eyes, he mostly 'dates' Slytherin girls because they're confident and sexy.
That didn't make sense, I'm short and brunette, my eyes are brown and I'm definitely not confident or sexy, so why, why now, what's changed?
" Are you going to answer, angel, or do you want me to guess? "
Rule number 1: deny
Rule number 2 : deny
Rule number 3 : deny
So I denied
" I have no idea what you're talking about".
Rule number 4: run away
So I ran away.
I looked at Liam and Rose, who were still in shock, and told them that I'd forgotten my book for my next class in my dorm and got up to leave. As I was leaving I heard Mattheo say, "Isn't she cute when she runs away? "
I assumed he was talking to Liam and Rose.

About an hour later I heard someone knocking on my door and when I opened it I saw my two very best friends looking at me, I looked at them and we just couldn't help but laugh.
" What had just happened?" said Liam, still in shock.
" I don't know, it's so weird, he never showed any interest in me before, " I replied.
" This is your chance Mia, he finally sees you " I could hear the excitement in Rose's voice as she said this.
" No, not like that, he's clearly messing with me "
" What if he isn't," Liam said.
" I don't know Liam, it's just so weird to me", when Liam and Rose saw that I really didn't want to talk about it they changed the subject. It just felt so weird for me, I was really putting some effort to not fall for that, I know Mattheo, that's just an act if he really liked me, he wouldn't acted like that, not this suddenly.
After a couple of hours Liam had to go to class and Rose and I didn't have any classes that afternoon.

Me and Rose were talking when I remembered I had detention in 15 minutes, how could I forget?
I ran to Snape's classroom, he was in his office working on something and I was just in time. As I entered the classroom, I saw Fred and George, both with their hands covered in purple, probably one of their pranks.
"Miss Joly, can I have a word with you?" asked Professor Snape and of course I agreed, I didn't really have a choice.
"There's an assignment coming up, and since you and Mr Riddle seem to like being late, I want you to do it together."
To be honest, I wasn't really happy about it, but Snape kind of scared me, so I wasn't going to argue with him about anything.

My detention had just finished and I was about to leave when I heard someone call out, it was Fred, he came towards me followed by George, his twin.

"Hello boys, let me guess you were in detention for a prank," I said as I walked with them down the corridor.
"Yes, but guess who we pranked," George said in an excited tone.
"I can't wait for you to guess, it was the new teacher, Dolores Umbrage," Fred said with the same excitement.
"You guys are evil," I replied laughing.

After this little chat I went to my dorm and found Rose sleeping in my bed, I wasn't angry, I was actually happy that she was sleeping here, that she felt comfortable enough and trusted me enough to sleep in my bed.
I decided that while she was asleep I would read "Perfectly Wrong for Me" by Sarah Revens, which is a French book (it's a real book, it's French, but it's a really great book) so that I could wake her up when it was time for dinner.
It was finally time to eat, so I woke Rose up.

When she woke up we went to the Great Hall, when we got there Liam wasn't there which was weird so we waited for him.
When he finally arrived he looked a bit uncomfortable, he touched my shoulder and asked me if we could talk in private for a moment so I accepted.
" What's up Liam? "I asked him when we were finally alone.
" When I was walking to the Great Hall I overheard Mattheo talking to his friends and he was talking about you. "
" What did he say about me? "I asked in a hopeful tone.
" Well...his friends were wondering why he was talking to you this morning and...he told them that he was bored and he was just messing with you for fun", as he said those words I felt my heart break a little, that hurts.
" Are you ok Mia? " Liam asked in a gentle tone.
" Yeah - yeah, I'm fine, don't worry, I have to go, I just remembered I haven't done my homework for tomorrow - bye. "
I ran to my dorm and cried and cried and cried until someone knocked on my door I brushed my tears away and put a smile on my face and opened the door, it was Rose and when I saw her I couldn't help but cry, I cried like a baby in her arms but she wouldn't let me go, she held me in her arms and stroked my hair and told me that everything was going to be fine.
That night was the first time we had slept in the same bed since our first night at Hogwarts.

I know it sounded childish to cry for a guy, don't get me wrong he was playing me really broke my heart but the worst part was the fact that even when I told everyone around me that I knew he was just playing somehow I think I still had a little hope that he was paying attention to me because he had finally noticed me, I was delusional as always, I really hate the person who said that being Delulu was the solulu.

Waking up was brutal, my head hurt, my eyes were puffy and red, I looked like a junkie and of course Rose was already dressed and doing her make up.

" Good morning my love," Rose told me in a soft tone.
" Good morning Rose, can I ask you a favour please?"
" Yes of course, what do you need? " she asked me.
" Could you please help me with my face, I look like my father," I reply.
" An alcoholic? " she asked
" Yes," I replied.
She laughed and told me to sit down in front of her dressing table.
My father is an alcoholic and that used to affect me a lot when I was younger, one day I was his miracle, his greatest achievement and the other day I was an ungrateful bitch who deserved to die, I used to ask myself what was wrong with me, what did I do to make my father drink so much, but I always ended up with the same conclusion, I wasn't lovable because if I was, my father would have the strength not to drink, he would have been sober, for me.

When she started to make me up, she asked me this famous question:
" How do you feel? "
" I feel stupid," I replied with a sad laugh.
" What - everyone feels stupid, who cares? " Rose says.
" You feel stupid," I ask septically.
" Yes I do, then I just choose not to feel stupid," Rose replied.
"90% of life is confidence, the thing about confidence is nobody knows if it's real or not," Rose explained as she finished my make-up.

Hi guys I hoped you enjoyed it, I know my chapters are short but it's really hard for me to write in English so please don't be mad.
I put a little euphoria reference at the end because I thought that moment made sense with the context.
Xoxo me

1374 words

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