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Days had passed since Rose had told me, Mattheo hadn't spoken to me, I guess he wasn't bored anymore

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Days had passed since Rose had told me, Mattheo hadn't spoken to me, I guess he wasn't bored anymore.
To be honest, I think a part of me knew he was messing with me, I just needed someone to say it out loud.
I'm not angry with Mattheo, it sounds stupid, I know, but I just can't be angry with him, and with the assignment we're supposed to do together, it was better that way.
Speaking of the assignment, I had to tell him that we were supposed to do it together, and it was a really bad idea to do it during lunch because he'll be with his friends and I don't want to embarrass myself any more, and same during his Quidditch practice.
If I wanted to see him alone, I knew I'd have to go to the Astronomy Tower before curfew, that's where he smokes his cigarettes, and after that task everything would be back to normal, right?
The day was over and it was finally time to talk to Mattheo.
I went to the Astronomy Tower.
There he was, sitting on the floor, smoking his cigarette.
" Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to tell you that Professor Snape has put us together for an assignment."
He looked at me, but didn't say anything.
His eyes were red, his pupils dilated, he was high.
" Are you high? " I asked.
He laughed and replied
" No, I'm not high," he said.
To be honest I was a bit worried, he was high and in the astronomy tower he could fall and hurt himself.
" You shouldn't smoke drugs in the astronomy tower, it could be dangerous, you could hurt yourself".
He looked at me and I don't know why I felt he was asking me for help.
" And? I don't care if I fall ".
" You don't want to hurt yourself," I said.
" You don't know that," he replied.
" Well, I know I don't want you to get hurt, so please be careful," I said.
" Stop acting like you care about me, we don't even know each other," he replied coldly.
" I know you," I said suddenly.
" No, you don't," he said quietly.
" Your favourite colour is red, but not bright red, you like this special kind of red, bloody red, your favourite holiday is Christmas, because even though you don't want to admit it, you like the atmosphere around it, but most of all you like the fact that you spend these holidays with your friends, because you consider them like your family, I know you Mattheo, I really do, " I replied as I sat next to him.
" Are you stalking me or something? "I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.
" No, I'm not," I said.
A comfortable silence set in, neither of us were talking, to be honest this little moment with him made me so happy, it all felt like a dream.
" I probably shouldn't say this but I'm high so it's not like I'm going to remember it, you know you're kind of pretty," he said.
" So you are high," I replied.
I tried my best not to think about the fact that he thought I was pretty.
" I just told you that I think you're pretty and the only thing that caught your attention was the fact that I'm high, you really are a strange girl," he said more to himself than to me.
It was late and although my heart wanted to stay with him, this time my mind was strong enough to make me leave.
" Take care of yourself Mattheo," I said as I got up.
" Wait, can I at least have your name? " he said as I left.
" I'm Mia," I replied simply.
After that I went back to my dorm and slept like a baby.
The next morning I woke up in a good mood, because even though Mattheo probably didn't remember our conversation, I did, and I stayed in bed a bit longer dreaming about him and me, maybe in another reality he would have noticed me and we would have been together.
After getting ready, Rose, Liam and I made our way to the Great Hall.
" Mia, let's have a sleepover, it's been a long time, we could invite Hermione, Luna and Ginny," Rose suggested.
To be honest it's a great idea, our sleepovers with the girls are always great, we watch romantic movies, we play games, we gossip, and I even make them listen to French rap and they rate every song, I think we could all use a bit of a good time.
" Yeah, that's a great idea, we'll have to ask them first, but I don't see any problem with having a sleepover," I replied.
" Great, so it's settled then," she said finally.
Rose and Liam continued to talk while I, without knowing it, found myself admiring Mattheo, sometimes I felt exhausted from loving him, this one-sided love was shattering me, loving someone who doesn't give you attention and time is really taught, some people would say that I'm sensitive and that I'm overthinking the thing, that I'm exaggerating the situation, that it's just a crush, but only the people who have felt that kind of love really understand me, it's not just a crush, I'm in love with him, I know it.
Even when I really try not to be delusional, my heart keeps telling me what if, especially after what happened yesterday, my memory is starting to be a loyal ally to my heart, it keeps making me relive that moment on the Astronomy Tower over and over again.
After breakfast we all went to our classes, mine was Potions, I honestly didn't know if I was happy or nervous about it.
As I sat down I noticed that Padma was sitting next to Theo Nott which was weird, Padma was supposed to be sitting next to me in Potions not Theo and just as the class was about to start Mattheo walked into the classroom and that's when I realised that he was the one who was supposed to be sitting next to Theo which meant he was going to be sitting next to me.
The class started and I tried my best not to look at him, my heart was beating so fast that I was honestly afraid that he would hear it, I kept asking myself so many questions, why was he sitting next to me, why was Padma sitting next to Theo, was it on purpose, as I kept torturing myself with questions I felt someone tap my hand, it was him.
He was discreetly handing me a note.
I couldn't help but look at him, and when I looked up, my eyes met his, which made me even more nervous, so I quickly glanced at the paper he gave me.
Where do you want us to meet for our project? it said.

" The library after lunch, is that good for you?" I whispered so Snape couldn't hear me.
He looked at me, smiled and replied, "Perfect, Mia."
As soon as I heard my name come out of his mouth I tilted, he remembered, he knew who I was, I should have known when he asked about the project, if he remembered that, it meant he probably remembered everything I told him about me knowing him, my face turned bright red, he's probably thinking how weird I am.
When Mattheo saw how red I was he laughed and whispered in my ear, "You know I don't like that shade of red on your face," that was the end for me, I quickly moved away from him, which made him smile even more, I was so embarrassed.

When the class ended, I quickly left the classroom and went to talk to Padma.
" Padma, wait," I called to her.
She stopped and looked at me.
" Hey Mia, what do you need?" she said in a sweet tone.
" Yeah, actually I wanted to know why you were sitting next to Theo earlier, did I do something?" I asked worriedly.
" No, of course not, Theo told me that Professor Snape told him that I should sit next to him, and when I asked Theo if you knew, he said that Professor Snape had already told you, so I thought you knew," she explained.
Why would Theo say that, and why would Professor Snape make Padma switch seats with Mattheo, but the weirdest thing is that I really don't remember Snape saying that.
" Oh, okay, thank you Padma," I simply replied.

I tried my best to make that chapter longer than the others.
Xoxo me
1442 words

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