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Monday came as fast as the new nimbus, this week would be the first Quidditch match of the season and many people had been waiting for it since it was cancelled last year, to Oliver Wood's greatest despair and anger, his famous line "You can't cancel Quidditch" will forever be remembered, so thank you Oliver for being such a good entertainer and for giving us the greatest line of all time.
This morning I had Botany with Professor Pomona Sprout, even though she's head of Hufflepuff I still can't seem to like her subject, so this lesson will be more of a chore than anything else.
As I walk to class, my eyes catch Blaise Zabini's as he pushes Neville Longbottom's fragile body against the corridor wall, his eyes were so cold and seemed to be throwing daggers at the same time, I was honestly scared, but why would he do that, Neville is such a sweet boy. As much as I wanted to intervene, I was more of a little mouse than a strong lion, if I were brave I'd be in Gryffindor by now. Even if I couldn't bring myself to do anything, I could still call for help.
As soon as I saw the Weasleys, I asked them for help.

" Fred, George, I need your help now! " I said in alarm.

" What's wrong, Mia? " George asked, already worried.

" I don't know, Blaise is pushing Neville against a wall, I don't know what to do. "I replied.

Without wasting a second, the twins went to the corridor I showed them, but before they could do anything, Fred turned to me.

" Go to class, you'll be late, we'll take care of it," he said in a soft tone.

" Are you sure? " I asked, not really wanting to go.

" Yes, go, you'll be late," he replied more confidently this time.

" OK, but don't get yourselves into too much trouble," I said.

"It'll be fine Mia," he simply replied before leaving.

Botany had never seemed so long and boring, the minutes were as long as the hours, and as Professor Pomona Sprout continued to talk, I started to think  about what happened before I went to class, why would Blaise be so violent towards Neville, and how are Fred and George? Oddly enough, I had this tight knot in my stomach, which came from the fear that they might get hurt, I honestly don't know if it's because I'm starting to think of these boys as my close friends, or if it's just in my Hufflepuff nature to be so protective and caring towards people. With my head still in the clouds, I started dreaming about the same boy, the phantom who haunts my dreams, nightmares, nights and days without giving me any room to breathe, the same boy who has this power over my body, mind and heart without even knowing it, and probably the only boy who has the key to my heart but doesn't care enough to use it.
Professor Sprout broke my trance by announcing the end of the lesson, at last, thanks to Merlin, it was only theoretical.

After class I make my way to the Great Hall and head straight for the Gryffindor table, I can't find the Weasley, shit.
I spot Dean Thomas having lunch with Seamus.

"Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but do you know where the twins are? " I asked shyly, embarrassed to have disturbed them during lunch.

" Yes, they're probably at their Quidditch practice," Seamus replied, ashes all over his face, probably from blowing something up in potion, as he has the unfortunate habit of doing.

" Thanks," I simply replied before heading off to the Quidditch pitch.

When I arrived at the Quidditch field, instead of seeing the bright red and gold colours of the Gryffindor rope, all I could see was a multitude of green and silver coloured ones flying in the air. Even though I know that I shouldn't be here, since the Quidditch training is supposed to be private, I can't help but feel mesmerised by this spectacle, some people would think that being a wizard for so long would have made me used to magic, but honestly it hasn't, sometimes I still think I'm dreaming and I hope I never wake up.

You can say whatever you want about Slytherins but that they aren't good Quidditch players because that would be a lie, honestly Gryffindor has some serious competition this year, let's be realistic for second Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance against those two houses so if I had to root for one of them it would be Gryffindor.

" Hey! What are you doing here? Are you spying on us? " Marcus Flint shouted as he flew towards me.

" Who? Me?" I asked, pointing at myself, not sure or hoping he wasn't talking about me.

" Yes, you! Do you see anyone else out here? " He replied in a very defensive tone.

I was so embarrassed, all the Slytherins were looking at me with either a mocking or disgusted look, like I was some kind of freak or dirt on their shoes. I'd have liked to say it was the first time this had happened, but being born a Muggle meant to many of them that I was beneath them.

" No, I'm sorry if I interrupted your Quidditch practice, I didn't mean to, and I wasn't trying to spy on you either, I'm not even on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, I was just looking for the Weasley twins, " I said faster than I wanted to.

" Why are you looking for them? ", a voice I more than just knew asked, who hadn't paid much attention to the conversation so far.

" Nothing, I just wanted to check on them," I replied, trying as hard as I could to appear confident.

"Well, as you can see they're not here, so you can go," Mattheo said with a cold tone that honestly hurt me, I really thought we were getting somewhere, but I guess every time we take one step forward he takes three back.

" Yeah, sorry, I'll go. " I simply replied.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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