Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up early after a long and restless night. My mind is a jumbled mess. As is my room. I groan as I sit up and look the clothes that are everywhere. Later, I'll sort through them; maybe some of the work clothes can be sold. That task might be exactly what I need to busy my mind.

It still feels unreal, so unreal. Olly is here. He said I'd never see him again, but – my eyes blur with tears at memories I don't want to face. Memories I'll have to face now, right?

Or maybe not. He's not here for me, he's here to ruin the town. He's the enemy.

Only he's not. I could never hate him.

I glance over at the chair piled even higher with clothes; Hunter must've tossed the stuff on my bed onto it.

Hunter- what do I do now?

I'm not supposed to have heard those confessions last night, but I did, and I can't stop thinking about it. The one thing I once longed for, for so long, with my entire heart; all I wanted was one chance to see if we'd be as magical as I thought.

Hell, I'll even admit, long after I was over it, I wasn't totally. I always carried a torch for the one that never was. I probably always will. But now, the one that got away is here too.

A martyr for Olly? Manipulated? What did that even mean? What am I missing here? Not like I can ask him after I pretended to be asleep.

I'm gonna fight for you, Darlin. His words send a thrill through my body, lighting every nerve on fire at once. If I close my eyes for a moment and forget any residual loyalty to Julian. if I can somehow forget that my first boyfriend is back in town, it wouldn't even be a fight.

But I can't. I mean, the first part, maybe, but I can't forget Olly's here even if he did come here to ruin my damn town. A chime from my phone pulls me from my thoughts, and I grab it.

"Really, Julian, I do not need you too!" I groan at the long-winded text about the debts and the act fast and whatever the hell else it says and set it aside.

I grab some clothes, jeans, a tank top, and an old flannel. I don't have the energy to analyze my outfit, not that Oliver ever paid much attention to stuff like that anyway.

After standing under the shower until the hot water runs out, I finally go downstairs. Mama is pulling out eggs as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't make any for me; I'm not hungry," I say as I head over and fill a cup of coffee.

"You should eat, Sweetheart. You're too thin. Why not a little something? At least have some toast."

"Vodka might be nice," I say dryly, and she turns to look at me, concern washing over her face.

"What happened?"

"Do I look that bad?" After the shower, I hadn't bothered with makeup and left my long hair wet and hanging down my back.

"Kinsey?" she asks again as my dad comes back in and plops down at the table.

"The trees are in need of some hugs, Kinsey Girl. Want to help me fertilize today?"

"I can't," I say with a long sigh. "I have to go into town and meet with Oliver."

"Wha–?" Mama's mouth drops open.

"Little Olly?" Dad gasps as his eyes widen.

"He goes by Oliver now," I say with a trace of bitterness I don't bother hiding. Mama gives me a sympathetic look as she sits next to me.

"Why is he here?" Mama asks.

"Oh, you'll love this. S&S stands for Stone and Stone Enterprises. Oliver owns that company. He's the one ruining our town."

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