Epilogue - Part One

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Late September 2019- New York City

"Should we have one more mimosa?" I ask as Erin calls for the bill.

"The answer to that is always, yes," Brandi says as Erin shoots her a look.

"Brandi, we don't have time for one more," Erin warns.

"Why? It's Saturday. Why do we have to rush? This place is so cool!" I enthuse.

We're at this rooftop restaurant, but it's covered by glass, so we're warm. It gets chilly as soon as September here in New York, but it's so pretty when the leaves start changing. I am excited to come back again in early November to take pictures. 

"We have to go. You have a hair appointment," Erin reminds me.

"But you said it's at the penthouse," I saw with a frown. "Why does it matter if we're a little late?"

"Right? What's one more drink?" Brandi agrees.

"The stylist I flew in is, um, important. We can't waste her time," Erin says, still looking at Brandi as she stresses her words.

"Ow!" Brandi yells out.

"You okay?" I glance at Brandi.

"Yeah, fine. She accidentally kicked me," Brandi mutters.


"Erin's right, we need to go. We can have mimosas there, or anything you want. I stocked up on liquor for the weekend," Brandi says as Erin takes out the card for the bill.

Brandi suddenly looks just as eager to leave as Erin and I'm suspicious. Something beyond this girl's weekend they're calling my bachelorette party is going on. I'm not sure what yet, but I know I'm right. 

It's all very weird. Even me being here for the weekend while Hunter stays home with Olly and Billy for his party isn't making much sense to me. I wanted to have a joint party since our friends are all "our" friends regardless of gender, but somehow that got vetoed, and I'm the bride, so I am still trying to figure out why that happened. 

But I ain't letting it get to me, nothing is these days. I am far too happy to waste time stressing about the small stuff. So different than my first wedding when I was the stress queen. This time, I want to enjoy the process, so with all these plans, I've been trying to go with the flow and just let things come, as Mama told me to do.

Erin is more stressed about my wedding than me, maybe even more than her own, which still hasn't happened! She is too picky about every little thing and at this rate it'll never be right. She also needs to learn to go with the flow and just let things happen. That, however, is not a task I am taking on now or ever.

Speaking of...

"This was supposed to be a weekend to relax," I complain. "I've been dragged from one place to another all morning. Poked and prodded like a damn cattle."

"Poked and prodded?" Erin laughs. "We went shopping, got our nails done, got a spray tan, and had massages. All promises I kept when we told Hunter we would make sure you were fully pampered this weekend."

"He asked me," Brandi stresses the word. "The maid of honor, and I have it under control."

"No, you don't because you know we can't be late today," Erin says.

"We are fine for time... um as, long as we hurry," Brandi says in a terse tone. "Kinz, we got to go, okay?"

"Yeah, fine, don't start fighting now," I say with an eye roll. "Almost made it twelve full hours."

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