Chapter Fifteen

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Summer 2000 continued  

August 2000

*** *

The weeks since the Fourth of July weekend has had me on pins and needles, constantly waiting for a repeat of that roof moment, but it never comes. Hunter and me will have these small moments, but then nothing happens.

Well, I shouldn't say nothing. He's still grabbing my hand a lot, and he always hugs me when one of us leaves now. My heart tells me I'm not alone in these feelings, but I wish Hunter would confirm it. The thought of telling him how I feel makes me break out in a cold sweat.

I'm pondering this one late night while also considering sneaking some wine from the open bottle Mama left out when the phone rings halting my thoughts, both of them.


"Hey, Kinz!" Brandi replies cheerfully.

"Hey! How's it going with your grandma?" I grab a brownie from the counter and a Coke from the fridge. It's late for caffeine, but at least I won't get killed for it.

I head out to the porch with them and plop on the couch.

"Pretty good, she's settling in here," Brandi says. "She's even made a few friends. Her memory is a little shaky. Sometimes she calls me Susan."

Susan is her mom's name. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," I say with a frown.

"We have a lot of fun, though. She even lets me do makeovers on her."

"That is fun! Mama finally let me buy my own makeup kit."

"She did? Makeovers when I come home, then. Just a few weeks now."

"So soon," I can't help how my voice drops.

"What's wrong? You're not excited to see me?" Brandi jokes, "You should be my highlights are hot, girl."

I let out a short laugh and then sigh. "I just feel like summer is slipping by so fast."

Along with my chances with Hunter...

"Has anything happened since the fourth?" Brandi always knows what I mean when I don't say it.

"Not really, "I say with a second sigh. "But sometimes I feel like he wants to and doesn't, then other times, I think maybe it's all in my head."

"It's not in your head."

"I don't know, Brandi," I mumble. "Why wouldn't he just say something then? He can have any girl he wants and he's not shy."

"But you're not any girl, you know? Maybe he's unsure too. I bet he's doing the same thing you are right now."

"I don't know..." but I sure hope he is.

"You're never going to until you talk to him."

"I can't!"

"Kinz, you have to," she says. "He ain't going to do it. If he was, he would have that night."

"What if I'm wrong? What if he rejects me?"

"Then at least you'll know, you know?"

"I guess," I mutter; my heart is starting to race at the idea of doing this.

"Can I .. " she pauses and clears her throat. "I need to ask you something before you talk to Hunter. You can't ask me why I'm asking this though and you need to be honest."

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