Chapter Forty-Six

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"You look beautiful, Sweetheart!" Mama says as I make my way to the kitchen on Monday morning.

"Oh, Mama, stop!" I blush at the compliment as I pour myself a thermos of coffee. 

Living at home in my thirties might not be the most glamorous thing ever, but it boosts my ego, that's for sure.

Oliver said the dress was casual so for my first official workday at the bookstore. I opted for a pair of blue jeans with a cream-colored blouse and my flats. I'm not even going to try to attempt heels on week one.

I'm a little nervous I haven't worked in some time now, but it's a good nervous. Starting a new job, even a temporary one, feels like an actual step towards my new life. The debts are being transferred from my name and off my credit reports, but Oliver said that could take time.

Luckily, I don't see myself needing a loan anytime soon.  I'll need to stay here for at least a year to have enough saved up for my own place. More than likely, I'll end up in a rental anyway.

"Do you want me to make you some eggs?"

"No, thanks, it's too late to eat. I'll grab a snack later."

"I made some muffins and apple butter for you to bring in." She gestures to the table where she has a grocery bag packed up and, next to it a smaller brown bag.

"Mama, I'm thirty-three. Please tell me you didn't make me a lunch."

"Old habits," she says with a shrug, "I made chicken salad sandwiches, your favorite! Extra, too, in case Oliver or your coworkers are hungry."

"Oh, Mama," I laugh. "I love you, and thank you, but please don't be going to all this trouble for me."

"It was nothing. Besides, I figured you wouldn't want to have lunch at the diner."

"You figured that right," I agree.

"Hunter come in for coffee yet?" I ask as I start gathering everything up to take with me.

"He and your dad left early this morning for some errand."

"What errand?" I ask as I arch an eyebrow.

"I didn't ask," she says, but she avoids my gaze, so yes, she did.

What's with the mystery? As I part my lips to ask again, she cuts me off before I can.

"Now hurry along to work. Don't want to be late for your first day."

She starts humming to herself as she begins rinsing dishes, and I know I'm not getting it out of her, so I grumble and head off, paper bags in hand for my first day at the bookstore.


I park Mama's van in the lot outside main street and walk to the bookstore. It's warm already, indicating we're in for a hot day. I'm glad I'm working indoors and not in the duplexes. I pause outside the double doors opening it slowly as I step inside for the first time.

"Whoa." As I step in, I see a large sign that says Sweet Adventures Comics and Books, hanging above a large counter with a few registers. Behind that is the comic section with several glass display cases of comics. On either side of the counter is an arrow; one brightly says, This Way Kids, and the other says, Psst in Here Grownups and Teens. It's very cute and whimsical.

Just as I'm about to venture to the child side I see Oliver coming from a door, in the comic area.

"Kinsey, hi, come on back here to the office for a second, and then we'll do a tour."

"Okay," I agree. As I walk through the comic section, I see the restrooms and then the door Oliver is holding open, which leads to a lounge area with a few tables and a small kitchenette. I set my lunch in the fridge and the bag on the counter.

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