Chapter Fifty Two

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One week later

"This is it. I'm sure of it," I declare.

"You sure this time, Darlin?"

"Yes, this is the spot," I say as Hunter comes closer with a shovel.

"Wait!" I stop him before he digs.

"Lemme ... just..."

I lay down flat on my back in the field and look up. "Maybe if it was night and there were stars... I could know better."

Hunter laughs as he comes to lie next to me.

"We might not find the exact spot," he says. "We were a little distracted."

I giggle at the wonderful memories. We are on our land, picking out a spot for the apple tree that's on the way. Shar insisted she gift us something, she's as excited as my folks. My dad is helping her pick it out and bringing her back soon. Hunter and I have been out here looking for a spot for some time. I got in my head that we need to plant the tree in the same spot where we first made love.

That's been a little challenging since I keep changing my mind about where that was...

"This has got to be it," I sit up and look towards the road. "I think this is the right distance from the road."

"Think we have time to recreate the moment?" Hunter offers with a suggestive flicker in his eyes.

"Get busted by my dad and your ma, no," I laugh, and then after a moment, add. "But later."

"Deal," he says with a hungry look. We really can't get enough of each other.

We hear a vehicle rolling down the dirt road. Hunter pulls me to my feet with him, but it's not my dad's truck, it's one of James and Oliver's work vans.

"Probably Olly," I guess correctly as it slows down when it gets closer. He came back earlier today, spent a little time at the bookstore, and then the duplexes.

Erin said he's doing alright with everything. He's keeping busy in New York, last night she called me, and we worked out a little plan I am very anxious to put into motion.

Oliver parks the van alongside the street and gets out, smiling as he walks toward us.

"Hey, you two," Oliver looks from me to Hunter. "Congratulations on the land."

"Thanks," Hunter says.

"The duplexes are coming along so fast and look great. My dad mentioned how well you all work together."

"Yeah, James is great, man," Hunter agrees. "We're making fast progress. I think he's planning on heading out of here soon though."

That reminds me...

"Secretly I think he likes being here," Oliver says with a little snicker. "You don't need him to finish that's for sure, at this rate you'll be able to start building your house by the end of summer."

"I know, I'm excited for it, living in a travel trailer is getting really old," Hunter says with a chuckle.

"As is my childhood bedroom." I chime in.

"Why don't you get a double-wide trailer to live in on the land for now? Then, once the house is built, you can sell it," Oliver suggests.

Did he just suggest Hunter and I live together? I mean, obviously, that's what we'll be doing when the house is built, but that's several months down the road.

Then again, I sleep in his trailer every night anyway...

"That's a genius idea," Hunter agrees without any hesitation as he looks at me. "I mean... if you want to," he adds quickly looking a little nervous.

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