Epilogue Part Two

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"We're finally here!" I cheer as the limo pulls into town, heading towards Main Street.

"Showing up to a dive bar in a limo, this is perfection," Zoe says with a chuckle.

"So, how should we do this?" Erin muses. "Should we have Gabe go in first and act like he's here for Hunter's party?"

"Yes!" Brandi agrees. "Then we'll send in Zoe, and she'll be all, got room for one more?"

"I am not going say it like that," Zoe cringes.

"Sure, you will, and then, the rest of us can come in?" Brandi suggests.

"I don't know... how should we do that part?" Erin ponders.

"Uh, Erin...." I start, but Erin cuts me off.

"That has to be the big surprise part, what if we sneak her in?"


"Girls..." I try and get their attention.

"I have to ask, is this at all weird? Hunter's ex planning all this?" Zoe asks me quietly. She's sitting next to me in the limo, and Kelsey is on my other side. 

"No, it's been ages since they both moved on," I say quietly.

"Good, remember what I told you about trust," Kelsey says.

"I do, I go back to your advice all the time, Kelsey. I was always insanely jealous of anyone Hunter dated,"

"Or didn't date," Zoe adds with a nudge.

"Right..." I agree.  "But he's made it so clear he only has eyes for me. I don't doubt him, and he doesn't doubt me. I'm even friends with his ex-wife now, just like he's best friends with Olly again."

"Damn," Zoe says.

"We came a long way."

Amber and I even have lunch and stuff at times, with Brandi in New York, it's been nice. She got over her small crush on Olly pretty fast. She's seeing some guy from Knoxville right now, and it's going well. He's good with Harley, and that's what matters the most to Amber.

It feels so good to feel secure in a relationship. Jealousy is an awful thing, a poison that seeps in slowly, and over time the damage kills the relationship.

Hunter and I have worked hard on building trust. It wasn't always easy. We had some insecurities, understandably, with how we got started. But we worked through them.

The thing about being in love with your best friend, is they know you better than you know yourself when something is wrong, they know. Hunter and I have a rule, we don't let things fester. Even minor annoyances, we talk out, then and there. No silent fights, with us, but no loud ones either. We love and respect each other too much to do this any other way.

The limo parks, and everyone starts getting out.

"Okay, so huddle up, everyone let's plan this," Erin says as we all stand out on the street by the bar. It's a warm but breezy night here in Tennessee. I breathe in the welcoming scent of home, as I watch Erin,  motioning for everyone to gather around her.

I tried to mention that I already—

The bar door opens from behind me, and I smile, as I'm wrapped up in the strong arms I missed so much. I melt into them as he tightens his grip around my waist.

"I missed you," he says as he presses his lips to my temple.

"Not as much as I missed you," I whisper the words back.

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