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Today is the first day of the tournament.
Up first is Clarie, one of my best riders. Against her is Jaren, one of Finn's.
They are below the Arena probably, in the area we lovingly call the Underbelly. It's where, before the games, we suit up. There strict rules, and guards on the door in and out of the Underbelly. Only the two contestants and their dragons may be in there, to prevent any tampering.

It's warm and lantern lit, and the air is thick. I always try to get out of there as quick as possible.

Today, the air is cool and clear in the sky above the Arena. I weave my way through the thick crowd in the stands, glancing down at the sand on the bottom of the Arena a hundred feet below.

I find Airan's waving hand and grin, ducking around a large group of school kids and taking the stairs up to the Dragonrider booths two at a time.
She's waiting at the top of the staircase and I almost tackle her in a hug.
"They let you out?" I exclaim, releasing my tight hold on her.
Airan was in the Infirmary for a month, after her and her dragon, Lithiaz, while practicing barrel rolls, lost control and they crashed through a forest.
She grins widely.
"Yep! Actually two days ago, but I was making sure Lithiaz is okay."
Her smile falters.
"Finn told me he's waiting for you in your booth, he already brought up your chair."
I sigh. The three, in our case, two, squad leaders always have their own little booth to watch the tournament. It has a great view, but it's infuriating with him.
"Thank you." I grin, and Airan shoots me a worried look, green eyes anxious as I head up the stairs behind the Dragonrider booths.

I push through the door just as I hear the starting trumpets bellow.
I slide into my chair beside Finn as Clarie struts out of the gate on the left side of the Arena, with Jarel emerging from the right side.  They stop in center of the arena and shake hands, Clarie sweeping into a curtsy as Jarel bows. Then, they turn their backs to each other and reach their scarred hands to the sky. Their dragons come swooping down to meet them from the Roost, and as they touch down, Clarie and Jaren mount. Just like that, the fight begins.

They both take to the air, Clarie spiraling up into the clouds while Jarel hovers below.
She dissapears into the cloud cover and I suck in a breath as Jaren spins his dragon and follows her into the cloud cover.
"Nervous?" Finn quips, scooting his chair closer to mine as I try to squint through the cloud cover, and catch a flare of fire.
"Nah, Clarie's got it." I reassure him, and myself.
"Whatever you say, Sam."
I glower at him and rise out of my seat, moving to the railing and craning my neck up at the sky. The crowd was getting restless now. Finn joins me, noticing the crowd.
"You think they are okay?" He mutters, clenching his fist as another scorch of fire is seen through the clouds.
"Come on." I say, motioning for him to follow as I step out of the booth, heading toward the Firstwing- leader of the dragonriders-  booth, to ask permission to intervene. I hear the crowd roar as Finn lays his hand on my wrist, getting my attention. I run after him to the railing, peering up as Clarie comes diving down, armor smoking. Jaren follows her, pumping his fist as they both touch down. Finn turns to me with a smirk.
"Told you she wasn't good enough. Well, go on then. Go comfort her." He waves his hand dismissively, and I show him what I think of that idea with a gesture, but spin on my heel and storm down the stairs of the arena. I enter the Underbelly, and almost run into Clarie as I turn the corner.
She looks upset, but not as upset as I thought.
"Oh, good." She breathes.
"What's wrong?" I feel my heart skip a beat, fearing her or her dragon was injured.
"You're up next, against Jaren. They switched you and Finn to different brackets, so, provided you win, you'll face each other in the end."
My eyebrows shoot up, and I follow her to the armory as she explains.
"They are bumping up the tournament a bit," Her voice drops to a whisper. "You and Finn are the main event, and apparently there's been some unrest. The king wants to give the people something to be excited about. Beat Jaren, and you're in."
With that, she closes the door to the Underbelly, and I'm alone. I would assume Jaren is off preparing for the next match, since he is doing back to back games. I slip into my armor, tightening the straps I can reach. I'll have to find someone to help before I go out there.
I take a big swig of water and stretch my arms and legs, before pushing open the door that opens out into the arena. I can see the light reflecting off the sand at the end and take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders.
I notice movement in the shadows of the tunnel and tense, my fists clenching. I squint and see the gleam of blonde hair and flash of blue eyes, and my heart sinks.
Finn holds his hands up.
"I just came to help with the straps."
I roll my eyes, but it is a pre match tradition.
I walk to the entrance, and stand just outside of view of the audience. Finn comes and stands behind me, his hands fast and efficient as he tightens my armor.
He's stepped back when I turn to thank him.
"Jaren is gonna murder you." Is all he says, a cruel smile creeping onto his face as I spin back around, rolling my eyes. I square my shoulders and brush my hair out of my face, securing my curls behind my ears. Then, I take a step into the Arena.
"I'll be in stands to watch your beatdown." Finn calls behind me, but I can barely hear him over the roar of the crowd.

I stride towards the middle, waving to the crowd as grinning as they cheer louder. Jaren reaches the middle the same as I do, and I sweep into a curtsy as he bows. When I stand straight, we shake hands, before turning around. I take a deep breath and I hear him say something, but it's lost in the roar of the crowd. I take can barely contain my grin, this is my favorite part.
I raise my burned arm to the sky, the scarring shining in the sun. The crowd goes wild. I catch a glimpse of red scales and can't contain my laugh of pure joy. Zafira swoops down from the Roost, all fiery grace.
I didn't realize they could get louder, but they do, as Zafira touches down on the sand, holding her wings aloft and proud.
I place my hand on her snout and wink, she snorts in return, and I can see the thrill of the fight shining in her eyes. Then I walk to her side and swing myself up into the saddle, strapping my ankles in. I rub my hand down the ridges of her neck, and I can feel her, much like me, shaking from the excitement.
With a nod to Jaren, we are ready.
I pump my fist to the crowd, who had gotten quieter, and the familiar roar reaches my ears and we lift off.

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