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I step back slightly as Falkor's massive azure frame alights on the bank.
Even though I grew up alongside Finn, and by extension, Falkor, he still makes me a bit uneasy.
A mile calmer than Zafira, but nevertheless.
Bowing my head as Finn stretched his hand, I waited patiently by the river bank, doubt gnawing at my mind, wondering why Zafira hadn't arrived yet.
I feel Finn's gaze on me and glance up, meeting his stare.
"Zafira should be around here somewhere."
I furrow my brow.
"She better."

Falkor lets out a deep rumble, and Finn places his hand on Falkor's snout again, closing his eyes.
With his other hand, his fingers twitch at his side, beckoning me closer.
I hesitantly pad over, shoulders brushing as I keep my chin tucked against my chest.
Falkor grunts, puffing smoke out of his nostrils, and I hold my breath.
"He's being dramatic." I can practically hear Finn rolling his eyes.
I stay still, unease making my form rigid. I've always been a tad uncomfortable around Falkor, as I've said, but after weeks away from him, I'm even more so.

"He says Zafira is here, but she's sulking because you haven't come to see her."
Finn huffs after that, and I glance sideways, confused by the color creeping up his neck.
"What else?"
"Nothing." He says hurriedly, before snatching his hand off of Falkor's nose.
He swings onto his back in one smooth motion, and offers me a hand.
I stare at it hesitantly, glancing at Falkor's dark, serpentine pupil, narrowed on me.
Just then, a bolt of impatience yet longing jolts through me, clear as day.
Zafira, finally deciding to open our empathic link.
I take Finn's hand, grasping it firmly as I clamber up Falkor's side.
I slide into the dip between Falkor's shoulder blades, back pressed against Finn, a heat blooming in my chest.
Another bolt of some emotion i can't quite place jolts through me, and I shift uncomfortably.
Finn inhales sharply and Falkor growls, bunching his shoulders beneath my legs and launching us into the air.

I can't help the smile creeping it's way onto my face as I watch luminescent blue stripes creep their way onto Falkor's scales, lighting up beneath the stars.
"He's taking us to her sulking spot." Finn huffs a laugh behind me, his breath warm on my ear in the cold whipping wind.
I just then realize my hair is probably whipping him in the face, and reach behind me, tucking it beneath the seam of the uniform I'm wearing.
Finn's uniform quarterzip.
Besides the point, I mumble an apology and finish the job, tucking my hands into my lap, craning my head back to look at the stars.
It's about 2am, judging by the moon.
Way, way, way past my normal bedtime.
Though, fairly on pace with my sleep schedule since the arena.
I crane my head back farther, trying to catch a glimpse of the constellations, my head bumping into Finn's shoulder.

I flinch and rock back forward, muttering an apology.
"It's fine, Sam." I can hear him stifling a laugh, his shoulders shaking at my back.
"The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?"
I nod, trying to figure out why I'm so flustered.
I hear him inhale to say something else, when Falkor suddenly banks downward, spiraling steeply towards a gaping cave entrance.

Finn grips my shoulders as I pitch forward slightly, and I grab onto one of Falkor's spikes.
Finn removes a hand off my shoulder, and presses it onto Falkor's back, right next to my thigh.
I twist in my seat to ask him what he is doing, but   Finn's eyes are tightly closed.
A growls rumbles beneath me, and I assume Finn  was scolding Falkor for the almost nose-dive. 
Just as Finn removes his hand, Falkor dips again,
and Finn lurches forward, gripping my leg.
I stiffen, his hand a bit too high above my knee for comfort.
Falkor dips again and I grip onto one of his spikes tighter, Finn's other arm winding around my waist.
"Trying not to fall off, over here."
I nod stiffly, the warmth of his hand against my side burning a hole in my jacket.

Just when I'm about to suggest he can let go, Falkor weaves around and thumps down onto solid ground.
Finn unwinds his arm and lets go of my leg, and I don't dare turn around.
I feel his heat draw away from my back, and hear a quiet thump and rustle of pebbles and he slides off Falkor's back.
I swing my legs to the side and slide off as well, with notably less grace than Finn.

He's reaching out to steady me when anger forces it's way up my spine, my hands smacking his away on their own.
He draws back.
"Sorry, you just looked a tad off balance." His eyes shine with some emotion that looks a lot like sadness.
I could kill Zafira.
"That wasn't me, I'm so sorry- that was Zaf- I don't-." My words flip over themselves and i just about give up.
"Zafira is pissed." I conclude, and the tension bleeds from my shoulders as understanding washes over Finn's face.
"All good." He shoots me a grin, and my face heats, before he gestures to the massive cave maw Falkor let us down in front of.
"Time to run the gauntlet." I mutter, gazing up at the scraggle of stalactites that form teeth on the entrance.

I kick rocks out of my way, sending them scattering towards Falkor as I pick my way carefully up the rocky slope.
The light blue tint let off by Falkor's stripes gives the cave an eerie glow, darkening shadows along the "teeth." I lose my focus and my ankle turns, earning a curse from my mouth.
"Too late for this." I hiss.
"Don't you mean too early?" Finn moves alongside me with admirable grace.
I stop to glare at him.
"Wasn't this your idea?"
He nods.
"Given all that's happened to get us here, we shouldn't turn back now."
His tone is indifferent, and I know he's referring to my breakdown earlier.
He's right, of course, so I square my shoulders and march into the Dragon's Roost.

NOTE: u all probably can tell by now i NEVER proofread soooo bear with me💀💀

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