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Finn lead the way across the campus, sticking to the shadows and skirting around the lit up dorms. I tucked my chin deeper into the collar of his quarterzip as we duck through a crowd of trees; the branches scraping against my cheeks and getting caught in my hair.

We are almost to the edge of campus and about to hike the trail to the caves when a CLANG echoes through the early morning stillness.

Instantly Finn spins around, and pushes me back against a tree, a knot in the wood digging into my back.

"What was that." I hiss, perfectly still in his grip.
"No clue." He murmurs, and shifts in front of me more, pressing his body tight against mine; shielding me. 
I hate that he thinks of me as weak and fragile.
And then I remember my state not an hour ago, and though still miffed, consider it a valid assumption.
His breath is hot on my neck as the wind rustles the leaves above our heads.

Leaves crunch near us, and I hold my breath.
The pattering footsteps speed up, two figures rushing past our tree.
A large crash echoes, and I flinch against the tree, knocking my head back against it.
A scream follows, and the sound shoots straight into my brain.
It sounds exactly like my sister.
My thoughts flick alive, my heart slamming against my sternum.
I push against Finn's chest, my hands flat as I push out.
My mind is fuzzy, and I can only hear the screaming of my sister.
I can only see the arena.

Third person POV

Finn glances down at Samara in panic, feeling her body stiffen as the scream echoes.
She pushes throws her body weight against his chest, pushing desperately toward the sound.
When this doesn't work, Samara tries to duck around him, choking out her sister's name.
With a quick glance behind him, Finn sees the mischievous new recruits dart away from their newest stunt, attempting to raid the armory.
Finn grabs Samara's shoulders, spinning her around and pulling her back against his chest.

As soon as their screams of excitement fade from the air, his grip relinquishes, and Samara sags against him, her body limp. He turns her in his arms, her chest facing his. Her eyes are watery, yet empty. Panic spikes in Finn's chest.
"I'm good." Her voice is flat.
Finn hesitates, warmth yet discomfort worming in his chest as he pulls her closer, resting their foreheads together; and closing his eyes.
She would never allow this were she in a right state of mind, and he shouldn't enjoy it quite so much. But he didn't know how else to get through to her.
"Don't lie to me, please." His voice is pitched low, and he cracks his eyes open, to see hers closed.
"I'm fine."
"Should i repeat myself?" He hears a bit of his condescending tone return, the one he's always used with her to make it easier on both of them, and silently berates himself.
Samara's head pounds as she rests it against Finn's, taking comfort where she knows she shouldn't. A bit of indignation flares within her at his tone, but she's too deep in her mind to care.
"Let's get back."

Samara pulls away.
"No." She came all this way, and she desperately needs to see Zafira.
Finn gazes down at her, and she's suddenly uncomfortably aware of their proximity and his warm arms around her back.
Worry twists through his mind, but Finn lets his arms loosen.
"If you're sure?"
He huffs a laugh at that, taking a step back.
Amusement pushes at the darkness that had previously flooded Samara's head, and she welcomes it.

They continue pushing their way through the forest, stopping every so often for Samara to catch her breath, much to her disgust.
"It's fine, Sam. Really."
She glares at him, dark brown eyes glinting in the moonlight.
"You've had a... lot going on."
She pulls herself up, brushing against his shoulder as she stomps past.
Finn rolls his eyes, stepping in front of her, effectively cutting her off, and began leading the way.
He heard a huff of frustration from behind him as he continued forward, a small smile curling across his lips.

Roughly a half hour, they stumbled into the valley, exhaustion dragging their footsteps.
"Here we are."
"I know that."

Wing beats cut through the air, and a flash of blue and white shook the river bank

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Wing beats cut through the air, and a flash of blue and white shook the river bank.
"Falkor." Samara breathes, taking a step back out of respect.

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his coloring (reminder LOL)

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his coloring (reminder LOL)

Finn steps forward, placing his hand on Falkor's snout, and glances back at Samara.
"Zafira should be around here somewhere."
Worry creases her eyebrows.
"She better"

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