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Sure enough, I stumble almost 10 steps down into the cave, grabbing onto a vine hanging down; regaining my balance.
I hear a quiet laugh huff behind me, and shoot Finn a glare.

10 minutes of clambering down  later, we reach flat ground.
This cave system connects all the way to the arena back at school, but this part of the caves is solely dragon territory. Yes, humans could walk from the Arena Caves to here, but not only is it an arduous journey, almost 3x the length of walking aboveground, but it's incredibly dangerous as well. Dragons nest in here, eat in here, and pretty much everything else in these caves.
Unless you want to come across dragons making another generation, or, even worse, a mother guarding her eggs, you don't go through the caves.
Irritation fires through me and I grit my teeth, my hands twitching with the urge to slap something.
"All good over there?" Finn somehow persuaded Falkor to light a torch, and is now waving it in my  face.
I feel anger twist my expression and grit out, "It's not me, its her."
He sucks in a breath and hurries up ahead, stopping every couple feet.
"What are you doing?" I ask, contorting my face in an effort to wash away the glare i just KNOW i have plastered on.
"Just waiting for you to catch up, you're as slow as Jaren after a day in the arena." He scoffs.
My eyes narrow as his gaze fails to meet mine, but I continue on.

5 minutes later, I stand on the edge of a large crevasse in the cave, peering down at the flashing golden stripes.
Finn headed back once we found Zafira, saying he had to "check we were good to sneak back in." to school. Suspicious to me, but I suspect he's actually just scared of her.
Zafira's tail swishes against a boulder down in the crevasse, sending it crashing to the bottom with a loud CRACK!.
I flinch back, remembering the crunch and bone snap of the Arena.
A billow of flame spirals up, nearly searing my hair off, but effectively jolting me from my memories.

I huff out a breath and drop down to my knees, peering over the edge in supplication; gritting my teeth as rocks dig into my shins and legs.
"I'm sorry."
I feel appreciation ripple through our bond.
It's not a phrase we say genuinely, well, ever.
We are both much to stubborn for that.

Suddenly, a sharp grating sound disrupts the still of the stagnant cave air. Zafira hooks her claws into the edge of the ravine, on either side of me, her claws carving 12 inches into the granite. I see her spiraling horns and gasp with relief as she arches her head down at me, spreading her wings.
I stagger to my feet, backing away as a tear slips down my face and relief floods me, making my knees weak.
She flaps once, clawing into the granite again as she slides out of the ravine, curling her tail around her as she extends her snout.
I go to put a hand on it when she nudges me out of the way, sniffing my quarterzip.
I hesitate before she pulls back slightly, puffing smoke as she hovers in front of my hand.
I press my hand in between her nostrils.
I missed you
Her tail flicks.
Clearly not enough. Nice gear you have on there, by the way.
I hesitate, my cheeks heating.
I didn't have anything else to wear.

That is awfully convenient.

Isn't it?

I forget dragons can, and will, roll their eyes, yet she doesn't fail to remind me.
Shaking her head free of my hand, she spreads her wings, turning sideways, and giving me a look.
I hesitate for only a second before climbing onto her back, but it's enough that impatience rushes down the bond.

Someone you're anxious to see?
I snark as Zafira launches off the ground, spiraling up, and up, and up.
Someone I am excited to scold
Comes her reply, leaving my stomach behind with a single whoosh of her wings.
her tail whipping behind us, we swoop up and out of the cave, nearly crashing into Falkor.
Zafira tucks and dives, spreading her wings at the last minute to alight softly down.
Just before I slip off, there's something i have to do.

I'm truly grateful for you, my friend. I missed you unbearably.

Warm, fuzzy feelings, a rare for Zafira, rush down the bond as I slip off her shoulder.

Just after my feet touch the ground, Zafira's tail sweeps me out of the way as I feel the bond vibrate and go dark.

Zafira whips towards Falkor, and lunges towards his throat with a snarl.

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