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I stagger backwards, a scream ripping out of my throat just as Falkor rolls out of the way with a ground-shaking growl. My legs start to shake and I look around frantically, scared Finn got crushed in the fray.

It's long past midnight at this point, and the darkness envelopes me, only broken when light is thrown off of the dragons' stripes.
I stumble through the grass away from their rolling bodies, disoriented by the roars piercing the air, and the blackness taking away my vision.

I hear a shout and spin around, finding flames billowing my way, blinding me. I stagger back as a body crashes into mine, throwing us out of the path. I thrash in their grip, kicking out and rolling onto my back, opening my mouth to scream for Zafira as a hand clasps over it.

I sink my teeth into the warm flesh of their palm and hear a curse. I tense my legs to spring to my feet when hands pin my wrists.
"God, Damaris, stop it, won't you?"
Hearing my last name makes me freeze.
"I thought you ran off." I pant, out of my breath.
Flames illuminate the shadows of Finn's face, only inches from mine.
"Now, why would I do that? I brought you out here, didn't I?"
"Get off of me." I bring my knees up to my chest and try to kick him off, to no avail.
"I just saved your life." He grunts, "and, I'm still doing that."
I go still, all the more aware of his weight on top of me.
He gives me a warning look before releasing one of my wrists and gesturing to his all black clothing.
"In case anyone comes investigating those two idiots, they won't see us." He looks pointedly at the blue leggings I wore to match the signet on my- his quarterzip.
I force my eyes away from his, turning my head to the side as the background noise comes fading back in. A tree crashes as scales skid across each other and wings billow. I spot a flash of golden stripes and billowing flames in the sky and suck in a breath.

"They're gonna kill each other." no I murmur.  Zafira is all lean finesse, and has beat Falkor's pure muscle in practice, but can she now in the enclosed forest?

"They aren't." Finn shifts his weight onto both arms again, caging me in as he glances over his shoulder.
"There's no need for this," I hiss. "And there's something you're not telling me."
He sighs, but doesn't move or meet my eyes.
"I swear-." I growl, wriggling again in his grip.
"I don't know what they are fighting about, but Falkor isn't gonna kill her. Our bond is still open. I'm just trying to keep us from getting killed in the meantime."
I roll my eyes, but arch against him.
"Is that all this is about?" I purr in his ear, and his eyes go wide, before he rolls off me angrily.
"Burn then."

I let out a triumphant laugh, rolling to my feel, brushing dirt off my clothes.
"With that stunt, I assume you're ready to train again?"
I hesitate, my body tensing. The thought of going into that arena again... I'm not sure if I can do it.
"Can we train somewhere else? Besides... y'know."
He glances at me and rakes a hand through his hair.
"I'll try. The King may want you back in the Arena though"

I read between the lines. I'll have to go back in the Arena. Me and Finn, and really only Finn currently, are the only things keeping the people from rebelling. It's a control thing as well. The more mental distress going back in the Arena causes me, the easier I am for The King to do with as he pleases.

The thought makes a shiver rack my body. Then, I realize the air has gone still, roaring fire no longer heating it.

"Seems they have it sorted out." Finn jerks his head for me to follow him before ducking under a bush into the woods.
I squint in the moonlight and follow him, surprised when i run straight into his back. I peer over his shoulder and see Zafira and Falkor curled up, licking the other's bloodied wounds.

I furrow my brow, and place a hand on Finn's shoulder. His muscle jumps beneath my touch and he spins around.
"Seems they made up."
I hesitate, glancing around him again.
"I wanna talk to her."
Finn glances back at them, and i notice the way he whipped his head around to check.
He's nervous, for whatever reason.
"We should go back, it's late." He responds, glancing up at the trees.

I raise my eyebrows, giving him a once-over.
"Are you good?"
"Just tired." He covers a yawn.
Suspicion boils beneath my skin, and I shoot a spark of it down my bond to Zafira. I notice her tail flick, but she doesn't reopen her side.
She knows I'm suspicious, but she doesn't think I'm in any danger.
"Fine." I sideye Finn, pushing back through the woods to the clearing we exited The Roost.
"Falkor will take us back." He rushes, and trees swish as Falkor lands behind him.

"Fine with me." I want my dragon. Where is she?

I meet Falkor's steady gaze, confirming I'm allowed to ride, before swinging on in  front of Finn. As soon as I sit in feel exhaustion weigh down my body, those weeks in bed after the Arena catching up to me.
In an embarrasingly short amount of time after we lift off, Falkor's steady wingbeats lull me to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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