Chapter Nineteen.

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Oh, thunder only happens when it's raining...

Players only love you when they're playing...
Say, women, they will come and they will go...
When the rain washes you clean...You'll know...



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"HEY guys, my dad's already gonna kill me, so what's this mandatory meeting about?" Pope questioned as he sat down on one of the wooden logs.

We had arrived at Rixon's cove and found a peaceful clearing between the woods, where John B and JJ had collected a little wood and started a bonfire. JJ had also changed back into his normal clothes again and was sat beside Pope, across from me.

"Might as well tell him man, before we're gaffed," JJ mumbled as he poked the fire with a stick, pushing the small wooden logs back into the flames. 

"Alright, you guys ready for this?" John B made finger guns and pointed to Kie, Pope and I with excitement. 

A small smile almost made its way to my lips at how excited and happy my brother looked, but the nagging annoyance made me control it, as I knew he'd involved the kook princess; Sarah Cameron to get this intel. I don't ruin his moment, though and look at him with a little curiosity actually bubbling inside, wanting to know what he'd found whether he'd taken Sarah's help or not.

"Yeah," Kie smiled at him, nodding as Pope did the same.

"So, the gold never went down with the Royal Merchant," John B started. I catch Kie rolling her eyes as I just sit there, frowning with confusion at his announcement. 

"Oh my god, here we go again with this," Pope shakes his head. Kie and Pope, both done with the--wild theories-- that John B was making. 

"No, alright, wait--hear him out, alright?" JJ supported my brother as he spoke up.

"It's been here the whole time! It's on the island," John B stated with such strong confidence, I was starting to believe the shit he was saying.

"What is that supposed to mean? It's here on Kildare Island?!" I frowned looking at him.

"Are you serious?" Kie asks in disbelief. "Oh my god," she gasps.

"I'd like to voice my Skepticism..?" Pope spoke up.

"I'm sure you would, Pope...but can I, please, present you with my evidence, sir?" John B countered as he went to his backpack and started to look through it.

"Proceed," Pope replies, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, so in my backpack, I have a letter from Denmark Tanny," John B stated.

"Who the hell's that?" Kie asked, confused.

"The founder of Tannyhill," I replied before I could stop myself, as all heads turned to me with wide eyes, and I sat there and pursed my lips tight, my eyes widening as I stared down at the ground.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now