Meeting new friends! {chapter 1}

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|<Collie P.O.V>|

*Ring* *Ring*

"Ughh, is it morning already?" I woke up, and saw it was 7:15 AM. I turned my alarm off, and sighed. I need to get ready for school,and it's the first day,so I'll try my best to not run into problems like the other time!

I put on my uniform, and brushed my hair a bit since it was a mess. I walked out my room all ready for school!

I greeted my mum, "Morning!" I said. She looked up from making breakfast, "Good morning, Collei" she said to me in rather stressed voice.

I wonder what's wrong, "Are you okay mum?" I asked her in a worried tone.
She sighed, "Tighnari, hasn't woken up yet and he needs to get to college" she said in the stressed tone.

"I can wake him up!" I said. She looked at me with a small relief smile, "Thank you, that we pile be a big help" she said. I smiled at her, "No worries!" I said.

I grabbed a pit and a spoon and walked up to Tighnari's room.

I opened the door, and started banging the spoon on the bottom of the pot, "Time to wake up Nari!" I yelled out.

He covered his ear with the pillow, "Collei, my ear are sensitive to loud noise!" He said.

"Oh sorry! Mom said to wake you up, for college!" I said. His expression was funny. His face look scared, "UGH NO!" He yelled in his pillow.

"You'll be ok! Get up, or I'll keep-" I got cut off by Tighnari, "OKAY! OKAY!" He yelled.

I walked out his room and headed back down to the kitchen, "He's awake now, mum!" I said. She set down two plates of pancakes, "Thank you, Collei. Here I made you two some pancakes" she said.

I took a seat and started eating, "Mmm! These are good!" I said.

Not long after Tighnari came down, "Morning" he said. I looked up him, "Morning! I wonder if your finally gonna have a crush, or a lover!".

"In your dreams, Collei. That won't happen" he said.

He as never, and I mean NEVER FALLEN IN LOVE OR ANYTHING! At this point I'm going to set him up to fall in love, "Hey, can I come with you to meet your new roommate?" If he says yes than I figure out a plan!

"No, You're not going with me".
"What!? Why!" I yelled at him.
"You have school Collei, and you'll get to meet his roommate someday if he chooses to" My mum said.

"Speaking about Tighnari, and his college,Do you have you're stuff ready?" She said while pouring us a glass of orange juice.

"Yes, I have everything I'll need" he said. I wonder what college is like!

After not so long my mum dropped me of at school I saw a friend, "Hey Collei!" "Hey Amber!"
I said back.

Amber has been my best friend since my first year in high school! She always has my back, so I don't have to worry about her leaving me for another friend!

"Come with me! I want you to meet a friend I just made!" She told me happily, "Oh alright!" I said back smiling at her. I saw a girl with brown hair and with to ponytails, "Hey Hu Tao! This is my friend Collei!" Amber said to Hu Tao.
"HI! I'm Hu Tao!" She seems really nice.
"Hi, I'm Collei!" I said back. Well at least I made a friend already! I mean it's better than a fight!

The bell rang, and we headed to class. I sat next to Amber since we were in the same class.
Our first class was science, and looks like our first work to do is a project with plants!

I'm good at that, so I won't have problem! We had to pick partners, I obviously picked Amber.

The project was about a research about a plant and I chose the Venus fly trap! (It's the only one I researched about as kid and much about)  I have one at home so it'll help!

After we had science, we headed to Math class. My least favorite class,and the one I dread the most.

(Imma skip the school day because I'm lazy, and don't have the motivation)

Finally, school is over for today! I asked Amber to come to my home, and we start of the project. The due date was in 5 weeks.

We walked to my house and greeted my mum. We went up to my room and took a few books from my shelf about them.

"What if we include this!" I said to her.
"Sure! If it's interesting" she said back.

We kept studying and my mum even brought some snacks for us!

"Oh! How is Tighnari?" She asked.
"Normal. Still a bit bossy like normally" I said.
"Hehe, I see. Well what about his roommate?" She asked.
"He doesn't let me meet this person. I wonder if they even get along"I said.
"He'll probably introduce this person to you soon!" She said.

I guess she's right., "your right. Let's go back to studying!" I said. She nodded and grabbed a book.

"We should go to the library tomorrow for more information" she suggested.
"We should" I said.

After 3 hours of studying, Amber went home. I played with my hamster, Tofu. (It's the first name that can to mind)

Shes so cute! Shes a white hamster and her brother is black one. His name is Bobby (I'm kidding!ok I'm gonna serious this time)


His name is Night! I love them both so much! All though I'm the only one taking care of them now, Night was Tighnari's, but since he had to go to college I need to take care of them. Luckily I know how to.

"COLLEI! TIME FOR BED!" My mum yelled to me from downstairs. I got up, and put Tofu in his cage.

I walked out my room ,and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I was done, I changed in my night gown.
I got into bed and turned off the light.

I tried to sleep, but I can't stop thinking of what
Tighnari's new roommate is like, is he nice,do they get along, are they in love?

I wonder what he's doing right now...


(This chapter was short because I have 0 motivation and I'm on my fucking ass period! YAY! Time for 4 days of torture!

I'll update soon if I can.)

Words: 1098

Time:4:36 PM

Date: July 26th, 2023

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