Banging noise...Chapter 2}

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|<Tighnari P.O.V>|

I get to college and went to the main office to get my dorm key. "Alright here is your dorm key, and the number is on the key! Your roommate will be..."
(And no it's not you, KazuFromTeyvat )

After I got the information I walked to where the dorms are, " Dorm 26,27,28,29, oh here! Dorm 30" I forgot who my roommate is. I wonder if they are here already.

I unlocked the door, and when I say the dorm was big it means it was big! Well imma see if roommate is here.

I looked around the dorm,but I didn't see my roommate. Wonder where they are.

I picked the room that was empty, and started unpacking. I already had a closet so I put my cloth in there.

I got organized everything, and the lucky thing is that I can have plants in the dorm.
Maybe I'll pick a orchid! (It's my favorite flower, so decided that one)

(Later that night)

They never came back ,so I guess I'm just going to sleep.

I got up from the desk I was sitting at, and went to my closet to put on my night cloth.

I changed, and hopped into bed. I fell asleep after a few minutes.

I woke up, and checked if my roommate finally came. They did not.
I walked back to my room, and changed to some cloth.

I walked out the dorm and headed outside.

It's only the first few days, so they decided not to start with class. Which means: we can spend some time on campus, and settle in.

Maybe I'll go buy the plant now.

I got here by my car, so I went down to the parking lot to drive. I got in, and started driving to the plant store.

I got to the store, and parked my car. "Hey! Tighnari, over here!" I heard voice yell out. I look around, and saw Amber and Collei.

Collei ran up to me, and Amber followed.
"Nari! How's your new roommate?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

"They aren't in the dorm, so I haven't met them yet" I said. "What beings you two here?"

"We are here to see if Nahida can tell some stuff about the Venue flytrap, for a project in school!" Looks like Collei is in luck since she has one at home.

"I can help if you'd like" I suggested to them.
"Yes please!" She said.
"Alright let me just pick a plant for my dorm" I said.

I went in, "Hey Nari! Are here for another plant!" Said Nahida. She was still young but liked helping out around the store, "Yes, for my dorm actually. Do you know where the Orchids are?"

"Of course I do! Cmon I'll show you them!".
She led me to them. I saw a white one, and it looked pretty, "I'll take the white one!" I said.

I grabbed it, and she knew how to work the register. She gave me my change and I waved goodbye.

"Collei, Amber! It's time to go!" I said to them. They walked with me to my car and I took them to my college.

"And these two are?" The office lady said.
"These are visitors for my dorm" is said.
"What's your dorm number?" She asked.
"Dorm 30" I said.
"Oh, your Tighnari. Alright your okay" She said.

I led them to my dorm, and unlocked the door.
I took them to my room, "let me find the books about it" I said to them.
"Wow! You're dorm is huge, Nari!" Collei said.

I took some books about and handed it to them.
Collei grabbed them and started reading one, "Can you give us some cool facts about them?" Colleasked me.
"Of course I can!"

I started giving them some facts, and soon they left.

I decided to learn a different language to impress Kaveh. I decided to learn Spanish since people say it's attractive (that's a lie for me. That just the only other language I know)

Turns out, ITS A PAIN TO LEARN! Why do we have to say the other person first? Then you come after?

Then there's the part where there different words that mean same thing! Like caliente and calor.
And then there's the part where you have to us this N: Ñ/ñ

The R is pronounced different as well! I think I should just quit.

Maybe I can impress Kaveh a different way. I mean Kaveh is pretty cute, and I've had a crush on him for a long time! Although he never takes the hints.

I flirt with him, but he sees it as a joke. I don't know what to do anymore at this point!

Should I give up or keep trying? My brain hurts just by thinking about this. Am I a joke to him or something?

Maybe I should learn Korean? Japanese? Russian? I'm not sure.

Hmm, If he can't take the hints then I'll make him confess to me! But then again, that won't happen.

Maybe my new roommate can help! Kaveh is roommates with Al, so I can't get closer to him.

Although I never told Collei, or anyone that I like him. They didn't even figure out by my actions! They probably thought I was joking around.

And I don't want them to know. Life can be confusing sometimes! I don't even know what I'm saying right now.

I'll just watch a movie in the living room.

I walked out my room, and headed to the living room. I'll watch a horror movie.

I turned on the TV and picked a horror movie.

About 15 minutes in, I heard a banging sound on the door. I got up to check what it was, as I opened the front door I realized nothing was there.

I closed the door, and kept watching the movie.

A few minutes later the same thing happened.
I got up again to check what it was, Nothing. Maybe I'm just hearing things.

I sat back down and not a moment later, the same thing happened. I got again to check, Nothing again. I'm starting to get scared at this point.

I sat back down tried to ignore it. The same thing happened 3 more times till it stopped.

I heard a knock at the door and went to go see who it was.
"Hey Nari!" Said Kaveh
"Kaveh! Hey" I said.

I invited him inside and we chatted for a while in the living room.

A few minutes later I heard another knock on the door. I went to go open it and saw someone with white hair and crisol like eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Cyno. I'm guessing you are my roommate" he said.

Well I guess I just met my roommate.

(Another short chapter because I still have 0 motivation! I also asked my friend "what are 2 words that describes me. He said " , " and since I'm so nice I'm not going to tell y'all what they mean! Y'all can use google translate! Ok bye!

Words: 1198 in total including my long stuff )

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