{Spilling some Tea |Not a chpt|}

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(AHHHHHHH IM BACK, LOVELIES! ANYWAYS I DO HAVE A CHAPTER READY THAT WILL BE PUBLISHED TOMORROW!!!! Anyways imma spill some tea. So basically two boys currently like me and I'm confused on who to pick, and one is Asian and the other is Hispanic so I'm not sure who to pick. Because both are good but I'm not sure who I should pick yet. Anyways, I actually have a wife tho (in RL but as a joke) and I kissed her cheek and head three times and she did it back to me. BUT I did it in front of the Hispanic boy so I messed up there. Also I'm failing one of my classes so wish me luck on that.

Anyways, I also will give out my Genshin UID just in case if any of y'all want it, tho I mainly play on an Asian server. I do have a UID for each server if y'all ever want it so just tell me and I'll give it to you for may server. Alr I need to sleep now so bye, Lovelies <3333)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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