Wait for 300 days for chapter 3!

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So like, I'm currently in Texas right now. I honestly should be sleeping, but who cares. Anyways, I'll be starting school tomorrow. And I won't have much time to update this story, so this is going to take forever. I also can't get used to the time here. Chapter 3 will take a long time considering I'm very busy. I'll try to write at least one word a day. And to be honest...I don't like it here. I want to go back to South Korea.*Crying*
I'm currently living with my cousins because we don't have a house yet, and they are so nosy that they have to check who I'm texting! Okay I'm fine complaining and I need to sleep! Good night or day! Bye! ^^

{October 28th}

Okay, okay! I'll be updating on Halloween! October 31st! I promise! So the next chapter will involve some Halloween stuff! Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing day or night! Bye<333

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