The Hunt

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It's a beautiful sunny day. I'm yet again on the hunt for the human girl who lured my James to his death. Running through these trees from a pack of wolves brings back some nostalgia. It's like a fast-paced game of hide and seek. Have you ever played hide and seek? It's exhilarating. Seeking isn't one of my strong suits, but hiding? No one is better at it than me. I've spent over four hundred years perfecting it. I've known every corner and crevice of this planet.

James and I had a game. It was like cat and mouse. I'd hide, and he would seek. No one could seek like James. These games would last for months. I'd occasionally steal a car to throw him off the scent, but I would miss him and let him find me. We will never play that game again. The human girl Bella and her mate made sure of that.

How is it fair that a measly human could attract James so much that he was willing to die to try and find her? When he gets hungry for the hunt, he doesn't back down. Tracking was his specialty, his thrill. I warned him that this Cullen coven could be dangerous for us. James was just stubborn. Now I'm alone, forever mourning the loss of him.

I've learned enough from James to track down the human girl. Her mate will spend the rest of eternity suffering as I do. Knowing he could've prevented her death by changing her will bring on a vengeance that will make for an even more intriguing game of hide and seek. I just have to find her before he decides to turn her.

The pack of mutts are snapping at my heels now. I got carried away with my thoughts. They're all riled up from me getting too close to their old human friend. He was light as a feather when I picked him up and then dropped him, him crumpling to the ground, holding his chest. Humans are weak.

I have Bella's scent now. She's close. I switched directions, picking up my pace. Running as fast as possible in her direction. In the distance, I see a horizon and open water. I'm running right for a cliff. Perfect, this is the perfect escape from the smelly mongrels. As I near the edge of the cliff, I see Bella. Just across the water. She's jumping. Picking up every bit of speed I can muster, I head dive right over the cliff's edge into the water.

My mind is racing faster than my arms and legs can swim. Why is the human girl trying to harm herself? She doesn't get to take away my vengeance! I'm under the water now, and she is floating below the surface. I swim as fast as I can in her direction. I can hear her muffled heartbeat, but it's beginning to slow.

Bella opens her eyes and looks in my direction. No doubt spotting me easily with my flaming red hair, I'd stand out anywhere, even under water. Panic fills her face, her heart starts racing. She starts thrashing around, trying to back away. She moves too fast and hits her head on a rock behind her, losing consciousness. Bella's heartbeat slows even more, and I'm panicked that she'll die before I can seek out my revenge. My need for vengeance wavering for a moment. I knew nothing about this human girl, but letting her die by suicide wasn't the way I intended for her to go.

I swim to her as fast as I can, grabbing her by the arm and racing towards shore. She's not breathing now. Her heartbeat is barely a muffle. I could just let this girl die now, but I have so much worse planned for her. She has to suffer the way I have. Her mate has to feel my pain and know her death was because of me.

I drop the girl on the shore and smack her chest. Water shoots from her lungs. She starts breathing again. She doesn't wake up though. I decide that I can't leave her here. She'll likely just jump back into the water. I pick her up, putting her over my shoulder, and I start running through the trees back to forks. My plans will have to wait, I want her healthy before I take my vengeance out on her. I decide to take her home.

By the time we make it to the human girl's house, it's dark. Whoever lived there with her must've been gone as there are no heartbeats or sounds coming from the house. The front door was surprisingly unlocked. I followed her scent to her room and threw her in bed. She was still unconscious. I could do it now. I could wake her up and start the process. She'll be weak and terrified. The thought alone sends chills through my icy cold skin, a smile playing at my lips.

Just as I reached for her before making my decision, a car pulled up outside. I raced for the window, jumping out of it into a nearby tree with my cat-like reflexes. I watched as the pixie haired cullen emerged from a black car and let herself into the human girl's house.

This could be bad for me. The Cullen could warn Bella that I was here. I will have to wait now to get back to her. I hissed at my stupidity and bounded off, hopping from tree to tree until forks was out of sight. This wasn't over, I'll be back soon enough and Bella will be sorry.

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