A Snake In The Grass

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Rosalie's POV:

There's thirty minutes left until we arrive at the airport. Every second is pure hell. Every second that passes is just another reminder that my child isn't safely in my arms. I will do anything to get Theo back. The drive is so slow. Running would've been so much faster, but Carlisle is very insistent that we not be seen by humans. Traveling in daylight is the worst. Traveling....

"Carlisle... You said that the Volturi might be taking a ship to Volterra?" I ask curiously. Everyone previously discussing battle plans grows quiet.

"Yes, I believe if they don't want to be seen, then they'll likely take a ferry." He responds.

"Would they not have a private jet? Have you ever known them to travel among humans?" I ask with suspicion in my voice. Carlisle's face somehow turns paler than normal as if he might vomit, confirming my suspicions.

"I hadn't thought about that..." He responds.

"What does this mean?" Esme asks.

"It means that we are too late!" I practically spat in Carlisle's direction. Rage filling me to my core, burning hotter than the venom ever could.

I turn in my seat and punch the back passenger side door. It flies from its hinges, creating an awful crunching noise. The door flies to the ground, and I throw myself from the speeding vehicle and then race off into the woods. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop me from getting to my child. I hear someone call my name and turn to see Emmett at my heels. He races with me until we make it to the airport. Sure enough, we arrived first. The pilot is fueling the jet as we approach from the trees.

"I wasn't expecting your family for another twenty minutes." He says in shock.

"Is that how long it will take until we're ready to take off?" I ask, rage still in my voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Carlisle called me before you lot left to let me know just how much time I had to prepare for the flight." The pilot stumbles over his words.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and decide to walk away before I decide to rip this innocent man to shreds. Emmett apologizes quietly and then returns to my side.

"We're too late." I practically sob. I once again wipe my cheek, having forgotten that vampires can't form tears.

"They aren't going to hurt Theo. They told you so themselves. We still have time to get him back." Emmett pulls me into an embrace.

"I should've fought harder. They took him from me so easily." I sob into Emmett's shoulder.

"Rose... They would've killed you." Emmett states.

"They were going to kill me anyways. They tried. Bella said the only reason Felix ran away is because he thought he succeeded in taking my life. I still should've fought harder. The moment we had Theo, I should've had Carlisle turn me like I originally planned."

"You wanted to be turned back?" Emmett asks in surprise. "I thought you wanted a human life and that you wanted to grow old and have grandchildren?"

"I did. But I always knew there was a possibility that Theo could get hurt and that I could protect him better if I wasn't human. So I was going to have Carlisle change me. Then we had Theo, and things were going so well. I didn't want Theo coming into the world only to see his mother being turned into an awful red eyed creature. I wanted to age with him so that he didn't grow up to find out we don't age and he does. I wanted him to experience a normal human life." I sit on a bench in the airplane hanger as I explain myself.

"I never knew that... but I understand it. You're a mother. You will always want a normal life for our child. I want that, too. When we get him back and he is old enough, we will have to tell him the truth. The reality is that we are stronger for him in this form. He deserves parents who can protect him so that something like this never happens again. You're a good mother, Rosalie. He knows that, and I know that." Emmett responds and then kisses my forehead.

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