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Bella's POV:

"Thank you, for stopping. I know Jasper helped with that, but I've grown to like you and it would've sucked having to destroy you if you had killed Bella." An angelic high-pitched voice says, pulling me from my excruciatingly painful slumber. My body is on fire, every cell in my body is screaming in pain.

I think about those words for a moment. That is not something an angel would say. I'm in too much pain to be in heaven and I've never done anything wrong enough to go to hell. However, it is hot, and my entire body is on fire. Maybe this is hell and I'm being punished for wanting to damn my soul to be immortal. I'm not entirely sure I'm dead though. I remember running through the rain and a branch hitting me from a falling tree. Flashes of water appear in my mind, memories of me being pulled under water. I didn't drown though. I pulled myself out and crawled away on my knees. I don't remember anything past that point.

Another angel speaks and her words send chills through my fiery hot veins. "I would've let you." It was Victoria. Which must mean the other voice belongs to Alice. I'm not dead! I want to celebrate but can't move. As I'm about to try to try and speak, Alices words replay in my mind. "It would've sucked having to destroy you"... Why would Alice say that to Victoria, and why did Victoria agree? Why would she allow Alice to destroy her? Alice wouldn't do that to me, she would never take Vi away from me. I wouldn't let her!

I try to speak but the pain is unbearable. I manage to groan instead. The cold concrete slab that surrounded me tightened. I realized then that it wasn't a slab at all. It was Victoria. I could smell her sweet cinnamon and cedar scent, it instantly bringing me comfort. Another smell struck my nose as well, garlic. I then hear Alice ask Vi if she had garlic in her nose. The thought of that site made me want to laugh but that was impossible. I managed to smile instead.

"Can Bella hear us? Is she awake?" I hear Victoria ask, right in my ear. Alice responded, saying she thought I was awake and hiding my pain from Victoria. She was right. It is taking everything in me not to cry out in pain in this moment. I couldn't put Victoria through that.

"Bella, if you can hear me squeeze my fingers." Victoria says in my ear. I feel her cool hard skin take my hand. I attempt to move, but it's impossible. With everything in me, I muster up enough energy to squeeze one of her fingers. That was a horrible mistake. Pain shoots from my fingers all the way up through my arm and into my shoulder. I try to stifle my cry but it's unbearable and I scream out in pain. A memory flashes in my mind. I'm looking down at my arms and they are mangled. The falling tree branch broke both of my arms as I tried to shield myself from the blow.

"I'm sorry, I'm here. You don't have to move again. Just rest." Victoria whispers into my ear and starts stroking my hair. Within seconds I feel relaxed. The pain is still there but it isn't as intense now. I drift off into a painful sleep. Time seemed to drag on forever. Every time I wake up, I cry out from the heat ripping through my veins. It feels like it will never end. I realize that it's just the venom. Victoria must've bitten me to save me. Every time I cry or groan Victoria whispers to me, letting me know that she is by my side and that everything will be okay. I think about the pain she must be feeling. That thought alone made my heart break into pieces. I want to hold her, comfort her.

I dig deep, finding every bit of strength that I can and swing my left arm over on top of her. The pain is so intense that I scream but I don't dare move my arm back. This was the least I could do to let her know that I'm not going anywhere.

"Bella please, the more you move the more it will hurt. Please try to stay still." Victoria says soothingly. I feel horrible that she has to experience this with me. This transition should've been much smoother. I would still feel fiery pain, but I made it worse by trying to hike on my own. I could've died and left Victoria alone again forever. My throat is dry and scorched, but I have to apologize to her. "I... I'm sorry." I manage to croak out.

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