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Victoria's POV:

Sometimes I wonder how much simpler my life would be if I had never fallen for Bella. I would still hunt humans. Their blood will always be so much better than animals. I never feel quite full no matter how much I feed on animals. What I would give to hunt a human just once more without consequences. I never thought about how my actions affected humans when it was just me. I killed as I pleased, and I enjoyed it. I never had regrets, I just had a happy full stomach and maybe a new item of clothing from my most recent kill. In my eyes, vampires are the top of the food chain. We feed and move on. I once believed humans were nothing but food. I mean, human meat eaters never look at cows and wonder how the cow feels about being slaughtered for food. At one point, I felt the same. I didn't care if humans felt unfair feelings at the loss of their life. If anything, their fear only increased my desire for them. Their blood already tastes amazing, fear is just the bacon bits that increases their flavor.

However, Bella has made me see differently. Her lack of blood drinking actually annoys me. I want her to experience how fresh warm blood feels running down her throat. Instead, she opts to drink old animal blood that she found stored in buckets. Bella puts the blood in a cup of course but the thought of drinking old blood just sickens me. It coagulates, it gets chunky and Jello like. I feel disgusted just thinking about it. It makes me want to cringe. I hold that feeling back though as I stand outside of the Cullen's house while Edward packs his belongings to leave for the Volturi. I didn't care if he could hear my thoughts at the moment. Bella already knows of everything I was just thinking about. I hear the cluttering around of books as Edward fills a bag of belongings in his room.

Another way my life would be simpler without Bella would be that I wouldn't be standing outside of her exe's house as she makes her way up to his room to say goodbye. Bella asked me to wait out here for her as if I wouldn't be able to hear everything that she was going to say to him. Now that I think about it though, she may be trying to protect him from me, knowing how much I would give to end his existence once and for all. A snicker comes from Edward's room at that thought. I glare up at his patio window. I hear Bella's footsteps walking up the stairs, slowly taking one step after the other. She must be nervous. There was no other logical reason for her to move slower than a human infant. I hear her reach the top of the stairs and then approach Edward's room with precaution.

"May I come in?" Bella asks, gently tapping on his open bedroom door. The thought of Bella being in his room with him sickens me to my core.

"You want to come in? In here? After what I did?" Edward asks with shock, as if he hadn't heard her approach his bedroom. Every person on the Cullen's property could hear everything.

"Not really, but you at least deserve a proper goodbye." Bella says with anxiety in her voice.

"Okay. Yes, you can come in. As long as you don't hit me again." I hear with a hint of a smile in his voice.

"No promises." Bella says flatly. Edward lightly chuckles.

"Bella, I'm sorry. For everything. I know that doesn't mean much but I truly am sorry. I'm sorry that I underestimated you. That I thought I could easily trick you into taking me back. I should've known you were smart enough to figure out my deceit." Edward says more seriously.

"Wait. Are you apologizing because you got caught? Did you seriously think I would be stupid enough to let you manipulate me?" Bella asks defensively. She acted as though she never had a doubt in her mind but the lack of affection she showed me before I revealed the truth said differently. Bella was definitely convinced that I was using her.

"No. And I never should've called you stupid for thinking Victoria could ever love you. I didn't mean that. I see how she looks at you, I hear how she thinks of you. She truly does love you. I just couldn't bear to think that you actually moved on." Edward admits with pain in his voice. A small smile played at my lips.

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