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Rosalie's POV:

Two months have passed since Edward joined the Volturi. Snow litters the ground and Christmas is right around the corner. Edward's sacrifice saved Alice from having to join the Volturi. He knew that if he didn't go, Alice would've volunteered. I may have voted for him to go, but Bella would've sufficed as well. She is stronger than the rest of us and could've easily taken care of the Volturi with Victoria's help. My family would still be together, and we would eventually be safe from the Volturi once and for all. Who knows, maybe Bella will eventually decide to use her powers to take down them down anyways.

Thinking about my family was hard. Other things plagued my mind. Since Edward kept his word and their people are safe, the shapeshifters agreed to use their resurrection spell on me to make me human again. I already retrieved the blouse that I was wearing the night Carlisle turned me and gave it to Evie. It was speckled with old, dried blood. I initially buried it as the smell of my own human blood burned my throat with thirst as a newborn. I never even attempted to wash the blouse. I kept it as a reminder of what I had lost. I never imagined it would be what gives me my human life back.

I have already set a date to be turned back, and time is moving fast. I chose to be changed on December 22nd, which is my human birth date. Evie informed me that after I change, I should be able to conceive, my eggs having been frozen all this time. Emmett and I tracked down a nephew of Emmett's in Tennessee. His nephew Robert is ninety years old but has a family of his own. We of course lied to Robert and told him that Emmett was a distant cousin. We informed Robert of our inability to have children, blaming it on Emmett being infertile. Robert introduced us to his grandson, William. William took one look at me and agreed to donate his semen so that Emmett and I could bear a child with at least some of Emmett's DNA. I'm not thrilled that Emmett has to stay a vampire but at least we will get to raise a child together.

There are only two days left until I'm changed back. It is bizarre to me that in all the years my kind have lived, we never knew of such a thing as human resurrection. Of course, the shape shifters kept quiet about it. There was never a need for them to reveal such a thing, as they only used it on themselves if they were accidentally or forcefully turned. I feel awful for the people who did have to use the resurrection spell. If druid shapeshifters are turned after their spirit animal ceremony, their spirit animal's soul dies, and they are stuck as a human until they die. They can't redo the spirit ceremony. To have your life and your choice ripped away from you, isn't something I would wish upon anyone.

"You're awfully quiet." Emmett caresses my cheek soothingly, ripping me away from my thoughts.

"I'm just enjoying this time that we have together." I respond, lying naked in his arms. Our bedroom is lit up with light spilling in through the windows. The snow on the ground outside making it even brighter in here than normal.

"Are you sure you're not just anxious to change already?" Emmett asks playfully.

"I am. I'm ninety-one years old Emmett. I'm ready to have my life back. I'm ready to age again and feel human experiences again. Believe it or not, I would kill to eat a salad or a hamburger again." I say, slightly joking. Emmett chuckles.

"Well, we better get to the love making then. I know that is something you'll miss as a human." Emmett pulls me on top of him so that I'm laying with my chest to his.

"We can still have sex while I'm human, we just have to be careful." I giggle.

"Yeah, but it won't feel as good for you. We feel everything much more immensely as vampires. That's just fact." Emmett responds.

"Fine. Let's get to it then, pretty boy!" I laugh, leaning into kiss him.


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