Past and Future

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As predicted, there's a knock at the door. Bella turns her head to answer and with that, I'm gone. I sprint out the window that I emerged from. I jump to the tree outside of Bella's window, fall to the ground, and sprint to the woods. I climb a giant sequoia tree to the top and wait. I can still hear Bella talking to her father. They go silent and after a few moments I hear pans clinking around in the kitchen of her house. I take a moment to think about the conversation we just had.

The mind reader did leave Bella after all. He broke her heart into a million pieces, but I don't understand how she was so attracted to him to begin with. I get that my kind are genetically irresistible, but I would vomit if I could at the thought of having to lay with Edward. Nothing about him is appealing to me. Sure, he is conventionally attractive like every other vampire on this planet, but everything about him screams controlling.

Bella might think I'm the monster in this situation but really, it's Edward. He had every opportunity to keep his distance from her. Instead, he allowed his animalistic instincts to take over, getting closer to her. If he didn't want to harm or change Bella, he could've just left before they started a romantic relationship. He knew she would never resist him; she is incapable of doing so. It's just human nature. He practically made her fall in love with him, but why? If he never had plans of changing her, then she would just age and then their relationship would be... awkward. A grandmother dating what appears to be a seventeen-year-old boy, unless he caved before then and had her as a snack. He very clearly never thought any of this through.

I can't seem to figure out why I care so much though. My plan was to come here, and use Bella to get revenge against Edward for killing James. Seeing how lost and heartbroken she is may just work in my favor. I came from a time where women were used, and I don't want to be that person. I don't think I'll need to though. I think Bella will ask me to change her of her own accord. She herself may want revenge against Edward. After all he did introduce her to a world where she could live forever and then ripped it away from her for being fragile, like she could help that.

Something Bella said is stuck in my mind. She mentioned that James knew he was in a dangerous situation with the Cullens. It took me back to when James was hunting the fortune teller over a century ago. He knew of Alice while she was still human and was interested in hunting her. James asked me to find out more information about her and I discovered that there was a vampire that worked at the asylum that Alice was in. I didn't have time to find out if he had any accomplices. When I told James of this, he waited to make a move against Alice, thinking she was protected. Waiting was a mistake because it gave time for the vampire at the Asylum to change Alice so that she could easily escape. James lost interest in the hunt after that because he mostly liked hunting humans. He blamed me for that and never truly forgave me for it. The weird thing is, Alice acted as if she didn't recognize us the day that we confronted the Cullens on the baseball field. As a matter of fact, I didn't even recognize Alice. Something was off with that whole situation that I would have to figure out later.

Suddenly I could smell Bella as if she were standing next to me in this tree. I clear my mind and look toward her house to see her standing in the driveway. She is looking around at the trees, for a moment her eyes fall onto me but at my height she can't see me. She continues looking around for a few moments and then her mouth curves down into a frown. She looked disappointed. What was she looking for, and what was she hoping to see?

Within a few minutes a little car pulled up and a girl about Bella's age stepped out. They went inside and began talking. I had nothing better to do so I eavesdropped.

"I still couldn't be more grateful that you encouraged me to ask Eric to prom. If you had never given me the courage to speak up then I'd still be alone, and he would likely be with someone else. Thank you, Bella." The girl said, sounding genuinely grateful. I learned something new; Bella is an innocently nice person.

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