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Bella's POV:

The sun glinted off of Edwards skin, sparkling brighter than diamonds. His honey and Lilac scent filled the air. His red eyes study my new immortal body, but he didn't look pleased with what he was looking at. Edward's expression changed from shock to anger.

"I'm too late." Edward's velvet voice pierces my ears. I don't dare to speak. I hold my breath standing still, hoping he'll just go away. I fought myself for so long trying to let him go. It isn't fair that he shows up now, when I don't need him anymore.

"Bella, how could you let Victoria change you? Why? Why would you do this?" Edward asks with the audacity to think I owe him an explanation.

"You left me. You didn't want me. Remember? What I do with my life is none of your business!" I hiss.

"I was trying to protect you from all of this. I wanted to give you a human life. I did want you Bella, I do want you. I lied to you when I left, and it was so easy for you to believe me. You promised me you wouldn't do anything reckless." Edward says with sadness in his voice.

"You promised me it would be as if you never existed. You took everything short of my memories, but you were still there. Everywhere I looked you were there. You introduced me to this world and left, knowing Victoria was hunting us. You left me here unprotected but when I almost died trying to see you again, she saved me." I feel rage boiling through the venom in my veins.

"You almost died? I didn't know that. I never intended for you to get hurt, Bella. I thought being around you would only put you in danger. I didn't know Victoria would come looking for you. I thought she would come after me. How could you let her change you though? Rosalie said this was your choice." Edward says with remorse.

"Well, you were wrong. If she hadn't shown up when she did, I would've died a lot sooner. Edward, you don't get to come back and judge me for doing what it took to make sure that Charlie doesn't have to see his child die before him. Staying alive and being human was reckless. I don't owe you an explanation any further than that."

"Bella, I'm so sorry." Edward says. his words almost sounded genuine.

"For what? For dropping back into my life to try and control me, or for murdering nineteen people to do it?" I ask with venom in my voice.

"I... I never tried to control you." Edward says. Confusion sweeps across his face.

"Really? You're just going to skip right over the murder part? You killed druids for their powers. You were going to use those powers to come here and stop Alice and Victoria from changing me. That is controlling." I'm almost yelling now.

"I didn't kill nineteen shapeshifters. I killed one. I couldn't let Victoria hurt you. I can read her mind. I know what she thinks, and she was going to use you to get to me. I guess she got what she wanted." His words stun me. Victoria wouldn't do that, she loves me. I feel my anger rising.

"Victoria would never hurt me like that!" I shout.

"Why wouldn't she?" He asked confused.

"We love each other!" I shout again, loud enough for every insect and animal in the forest to go quiet.

Anger builds in Edward's eyes. His lips pull around his teeth in a grimace.

"You love her? You're so naive. Bella how could you be stupid enough to believe she would ever love you? I will kill her for using you." Edward growls.

I'm shaking now, unable to control my anger. I raise my hands and allow my shield to form a dome around us, the dome is red this time. It swirls around us as if we are in the eye of a tornado. Edward looks around in confusion. The dome forms around us perfectly and comes to a stop in place.

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