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Coughs racked through my body as I entered work.

Is this what lung cancer feels like?

Walking home in the rain yesterday was the obvious reason for my sickness. It was kicking my ass.

I rarely get sick, but when I do it's bad.

Snot threatened to come out so I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a napkin to wipe my nose.

"Smalls, you look like shit. What happened?" Blondie asks as he entered the kitchen with Scar. He put on his small apron before coming near me.

"The rain." I reply through sniffles and throw away the napkin in the bin.

"Do you want to go home? I can ask Vincent." He puts his cold hand to my forehead to check my temperature.

"No it's okay. How will you and Scar manage baking?" I joke and he sends me a playful glare.

"Just take it easy today. We just need super clear instructions." Scar adds.

Seeing a man who looks so tough and intimidating be so gentle is such a weird juxtaposition.

"Okay I guess that will work." I trail off. "Also, can you change my bandage, Scar? It got wet on my adventure home."

I show him my bandage that is slowly coming undone. The little bear drawings are faded and blown out.

He nods and leaves to get the med kit.

Blondie took the time to get the cookies ready by placing them on a baking sheet while I sat on a small stool.

Our peaceful morning was interrupted by yelling from the front. Blondie and I exchanged concerned glances before he walks over to the door to examine the situation.

I walk closely behind him because I am a nosey person by heart.

"What do you mean I can't come here anymore? That's bullshit!" A man yells.

We exit the kitchen and I almost collide with Vincent's broad back.

"You were rude to my employee, therefore you are no longer allowed in this establishment." His voice comes out eerily calm as the man in front of him is flustered and angry.

"It was her! It's not my fault your employees are incapable!" I realized that it was greasy finger man from the day I had to work the register. He glares at me and I cower behind Vincent's frame.

Vincent looks down at me and back to the man.

"Like I said, please leave. Or I will remove you myself. Would you like that?" Although Vincent's tone was polite, it was obviously condescending.

Vincent towered over the small man and would easily be able to drag him out of the cafe. I just hope it didn't get to that point.

"You will be getting a bad review from me!" He points a finger at an annoyed Vincent before storming past everyone to leave.

"Well that was..." I start before letting out a loud sneeze.

"Interesting." I finish with a sniffle while Blondie laughs at me.

"What happened to you?" Vincent turns towards me fully, taking in my red nose and puffy eyes.

"I'm sick."



"You walked home?"


Our conversation was thankfully cut short by Scar returning with the med kit. Scar looks between me and Vincent before nodding towards the kitchen, telling me to follow.

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