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I pick at my bandage as I near the cafe.

I am nervous. Not only did I make a whole fiasco about my plants in front of everybody and fainted, but I also quit but didn't quit?

By the time my thoughts stopped rambling in my head, I was entering the cafe.

To my right, a couple of the guys that were cleaning the place out were sitting at a booth along with Mr. Moretti.

He's not in his casual clothes anymore, but his suit once again.

"G-good morning." I squeaked out and headed towards the kitchen.


I froze. I was so close to the kitchen.

I internally groan and turn around.

His dark eyes clash with my own and my heart starts to beat a little faster out of nervousness.

"Vieni qui." He says and slides out of the booth.

(Come here)

I have no idea what he said, but he starts walking in the direction of the office so I follow quietly.

His back muscles flex with every step he takes and I'm just glad he can't see my red face right now.

He opens the office door and lets me enter first. I awkwardly stand there as he closes the door behind him.

"Why did you need me?" I ask.

"I'll double your pay. Don't go looking for a job elsewhere." My eyebrows raise in shock.

"Really?" A smile breaks out onto my face. I couldn't contain my excitement. Without a second thought, I launch myself onto him into a tight hug.

His arms don't move from his sides as I squeeze him. I had to channel my happiness into something.

He gently peels me away from him by placing his hands on my shoulders.

I look up at him, my face probably hot with embarrassment.

I expected to see him looking down at me with that permanent scowl he has, but I was taken aback by the slight tinge of pink on his cheeks.

Was he blushing?

"I did this for Lorenzo, not you. He told me to take care of you." He turns his back to me.

Ice king is back.

"Oh. Thank you for doing it." I mutter.

He doesn't reply so I just take that as my cue to leave.

With a beating heart, I make it back to my safe haven, the kitchen.

To add onto my list of surprises today, my counter is lined with various flowers and succulents.


This day could not get any better, because it got worst.

Apparently, Mr. Moretti thought I could use some help in the kitchen and employed Blondie and Scar to do that.

"That's salt not sugar you dumbass!" Scar yells at Luca, but it's too late. Luca had already dumped some into the cookie mix.

Scar and Luca stare at me like two little kids who were arguing, looking for some kind of guidance.

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