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Taylor awoke the next morning with a glass of water and a few tylenol on her nightstand.

That must have been Dylan, Taylor thought.

She took the tylenol and drank the water then made her way into the guest room to find it empty. The bed was made and it didn't look like Dylan had even stayed there.

Confused, Taylor walked into the kitchen to find a pancakes and bacon under a tray on the counter along with a note,

Thank you for taking care of me last night, I had to run home to do fittings for the met gala. I'll hopefully see you there. Oh also I made you some breakfast, I hope you like pancakes!


oh p.s here's my number incase you need to call me or anything okay bye


Taylor smiled at the note in her hand. She quickly dialled the number at the bottom of the piece of paper,

"Hey," Taylor said as Dylan answered the phone

"Um, you alright? Dylan replied confusedly in her thick english accent

"You don't know who this is do you?" Taylor laughed

"No, no I do, is this Becky?" Dylan teased

"Wowwwww, you're so hilarious," Taylor replied sarcastically

"I'm only pulling your leg, how's the hangover Tay?"

"It's actually not that bad, what about you?"

"I don't have a hangover," Dylan replied and Taylor could practically see her shrugging through the phone

"What? How?"

"I don't get hangovers,"

"Oh I will be making sure you get absolutely wasted at the met gala so you can feel the pain of a regular human being,"

"Good luck with that one love," Dylan laughed

Taylor felt her cheeks turn red,

"I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to run to meeting right now, I'll text you?"

"Oh um, yeah, of course, have fun Dylan,"

"I'll try, if i don't see you i'll see you at the Met,"

"Yes, i'm looking forward to it,"

"Me too, bye Tay,"

"Bye Dylan,"

The phone call had ended and Taylor looked like a cheshire cat with the smile on her face. However the smile was quickly turned into a frown as her phone buzzed, her boyfriend Adam aka Calvin Harris had texted her.

She let out a sigh before replying to his message, this stupid crush was gonna be the death of her.



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