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Dylan watched as Lizzie and Paul finished their scene. Her character Olivia had just got badly injured so there she sat in her chair covered in fake blood and dirt as she watched her two co-stars.

"Cut!" A director yelled

Lizzie and Paul made their way over to Dylan after finishing their scene,

"So, what'd you think?"

"Amazing as always Paul, even if you are covered in red face paint," Dylan teased causing the man to laugh

"Well you and I both look the same, you're covered from muck in head to toe," Paul chuckled

Dylan and Lizzie laughed as Dylan pulled out her phone and took a photo,

"Jesus I really am covered," Dylan said

"Yeah, you need a shower," Lizzie replied


The three walked off set and made their way to the temporary break room that was set up.

When the three walked into the room, they were greeted by Scarlett, Robert and Paul.

"Jesus you've been through the war," Robert teased as Dylan approached the three

"Well funnily enough Rob, the movie is called infinity war," Dylan shot back causing the other 4 to laugh

"Lizzie take a picture of me," Dylan said as she handed the woman her phone

"Who's this for? Your girlfrienddd," Paul teased

Dylan turned around to the man and sent him a death stare.

Paul gulped in fear as Dylan stared at him, however he was quickly relieved when the woman laughed,

"Your face!" Dylan laughed

Dylan took out her phone and sent the photo to taylor,

london girl❤️:

do you still fancy me even tho i look like this?

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do you still fancy me even tho i look like this?

blondie <3:
i think i fancy you more

london girl❤️:
why thank you lover

blondie <3:
you have never called me that before

london girl❤️:
well maybe i'll start

blondie <3:
are you able to come home soon?

london girl❤️:
i'm not sure yet love
i'm gonna ask joe and anthony soon

blondie <3:
please find out
i miss you

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