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A month had passed since Dylan and Taylor's last argument. The two were living somewhat peacefully together for the last while. Taylor was eating again and not stalking on social media, and Dylan? Well she was just Dylan.

However their peace was soon to be ruined as Taylor had to fly to Denver for a court case. Dylan asked if Taylor wanted her to be there, but Taylor was adamant that she would be okay. Plus Andrea would be there.

So Taylor's flight wasn't until tomorrow morning, Andrea was currently on her way to meet her daughter so she wouldn't be flying alone.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Dylan asked as her and Taylor were baking in the kitchen

"I'm sure Dylan, my Mom will be there, I'll be okay," Taylor replied with a smile

"Okay, but if you change your mind when you're already there, I'll be there,"

"Yes boss," Taylor joked as she grabbed some flour out of the cupboard

"So what are we making today?"

"Cookies!" Taylor replied excitedly

Dylan smiled at her girlfriend. She really didn't know how she could smile after everything she's been through. She admired how strong Taylor was, that's what she loved about her.

"Why are you smiling at me?"


"Because why?"

"Because I fancy you,"

"Well we've been together for almost 10 months, I would like to think you fancied me," Taylor teased

Dylan walked towards her girlfriend and placed a kiss on her forehead before making her way to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water,

"Question," Dylan said

"Shoot," Taylor replied as she mixed the cookie dough in a bowl

"What is your plans for the next few months?"

"I'm actually gonna be kinda busy, secret album stuff," Taylor smirked

Dylan rolled her eyes at the girl before speaking,

"Okay well, I know nothing was officially planned, but why don't we plan a holiday? For whenever we are both free,"

"How about we go on vacation for our anniversary?"

"So October?"

"Yeah, I shouldn't be too busy then," Taylor smiled

"October it is then," Dylan replied simply as she tried to contain her excitement

"I'm excited, I've never seen you in a bikini before," Taylor teased

"It's a gorgeous sight let me tell you,"



Taylor had been in Denver for a week now. So Dylan decided to go back to London for a while. Originally she didn't want to just incase Taylor needed her, but somehow Taylor convinced her to go.

So here was Dylan sat in her house with the three cats. She was waiting for Alex to come over, she hadn't seen him in forever, so she invited him over.

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