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10/10/16 – 2 months later

Dylan let out a sigh of relief as she heard the break bell ring. She was currently in Atlanta filming for Avengers: Infinity War. The directors were being pretty laid back with the filming. The Atlanta shoots were pretty much done and once they were done the whole cast and crew didn't need to be back at work until January, however they were changing locations. They had to go back to New York and to the UK.

She made her way back to her trailer to relax for a while before she was needed back on set. She was currently filming the battle scenes and yeah those could be fun, but they were exhausting.

Dylan started to doze off but was soon interrupted by the sound of a knock on the trailer door,

"Come in!" Dylan called out

"You okay?" A familiar voice asked

It was Lizzie Olsen

"Hey Liz, yeah I'm okay, just tired,"

"Well, it's your last day of filming, you can go home and chill for the next few months,"

"True, I kinda miss my cat," Dylan shurgged

"Is that all you miss?"

"Lizzieeee," Dylan scolded

"What I'm just saying!"

"She has barely spoken to since I left." Dylan groaned, "She's just been sending me pictures of my cat,"

"Okay well, cat pictures is a good sign,"

Dylan looked at Lizzie with a be real look,

"Okay maybe not," Lizzie said, "What even happened Dyl?"

"Okay so I talk in my sleep,"


"Apparently, I told her I loved her, literally the same day we agreed we weren't going to jump straight into a relationship," Dylan groaned as she put her head in her hands

"Oh that's bad," Lizzie said

"I know,"

"Is it true?"

"Yes! No! I don't know!" Dylan shouted

"Okay well want me to tell you what you're gonna do?" Lizzie replied


"You're gonna go back to New York, get Lexie and you're gonna speak to her,"


"Yes Dylan, from everything you've told me the girl loves you too. You just took her off guard," Lizzie reassured

"Do you think so?"

"I know so," Lizzie smiled, "Plus you two look adorable together,"

"Thank you Lizzie,"

"You're welcome Dyl, oh and I better get to meet her soon, you know how much I'm obsessed with her music,"

"Of course, you can come to the wedding," Dylan replied sarcastically

"I'm counting on it,"




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