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Dylan woke up with a gasp. She was having a nightmare. She was quite shocked when she shot up out of bed, she hadn't had a nightmare like that since she was a kid. She caught her breath and made her way into the kitchen to find the cats wrestling on the floor.

It kinda looked like Lexie was winning for a second then Dibbles (aka Olivia) completely rko'd her causing Dylan to chuckle.

She made herself a cup of tea as she checked her phone,

James Bailey:
just texting to see if you're busy on friday
i have a football match and if you wanna come you can
but you don't have to

Dylan Bailey:
sorry i was asleep
yeah id love to come
i'll be there

James Bailey:
i thought you would've been busy
or something
yk with the whole celebrity thing

Dylan Bailey:
i'm probably the most
laid back "celebrity" ever

James Bailey:
taylor can come too
well if she wants to
hey i actually meant to ask you
are you two actually together

Dylan Bailey:
yes we are
but u tell anyone and i will slide tackle u

James Bailey:
dw i'm no snitch

Dylan Bailey:
okay good

James Bailey:
okay well i gtg
i'm at training again td

Dylan Bailey:
okay have fun!!
read; 9:17am

Dylan smiled at her phone. She had only known her brother for not even a full day, but she knew that they were gonna get along well.

Dylan made her way to the sofa with her tea and scrolled through her instagram.

She scrolled for a few minutes before being interrupted by a text message,

Hayley aka boobs:
we still on for tonight?

Dylan aka fat arse:
ofc x
meet you guys there around 6?

Hayley aka boobs:
see u there !

Dylan quickly finished her tea and made her way back into her and Taylor's bedroom. She climbed into the bed beside her girlfriend and lightly spoke to try and wake her up,

"Taylor, you need to wake up soon love,"

"Why?" Taylor groaned

"We're going out later,"

"Okay later, come back to bed," Taylor grumbled

"For ten minutes," Dylan sighed

Taylor smiled as she felt Dylan's arms wrap around her,

"Do you think sea otters have feelings?" Taylor asked as her eyes were still closed

"Yeah, I would say they do," Dylan chuckled

"Okay good because they're too cute not to have feelings," Taylor mumbled before falling back to sleep

Dylan smiled at the girl wrapped up in her arms, she was so grateful for her and their relationship.

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