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"Looking foxy sweetheart," Michael commented as he gave Camille a quick up and down as she climbed into the passenger seat. "You're a pig Michael," she retorted rolling her eyes.

"Foxy. It's a color in the naked 2. Description: cream bisque with matte finish. You're welcome and hello to you too," Michael smirked at her speechlessness. 1 point for Michael, 0 for Camille. He decided to continue, "Half baked. Same palette. It's more of a-a golden-bronze with shimmery finish. Real nice color, but it'd look even nicer on you." Once the words left his mouth Michael wanted to slap himself. It'd look nicer on you? Not smooth at all. "See I'm not just a pretty face sweetheart. I know my makeup."

"It's Camille," the girl next to him responded almost bored. Her acting skills were fantastic, because she was the further eat thing from bored with Michael. He was entertaining. Horny, but entertaining, and he knew his stuff and could really be of some help to her. She notice him shrug next to her before he turned on the radio and a comfortable silence arose. About three songs into what Camille concluded was some kind of cd full of random songs Michael liked, she spoke up.

"You're not kidnapping me are you?"

"Not today maybe tomorrow," he answered back sarcastically. "I know this great Mexican restaurant. Their fajitas are to die for," he added on actually answering her question. "Don't hesitate to post a picture of us on Instagram. Get your friends talking.

"Speaking of Instagram, your little comments have caught the attention of my friend. She says you're hot. I don't see it though..." Camille joked. It was true though. Michael had commented on her last two pictures and her friend interrogated the hell out her trying to find out who he is. "Is she hot?" When Camille didn't answer he added on. "Kidding sweetheart. Don't get all jealous on me. Wait on second thought girls look so hot jealous and angry. Get jealous get angry. Take it out on me," he laughed briefly looking at Camille to see her trying to hide the smile that began to erupt. "Ha ha ha. I'm sure you'd like that Mr. Clifford," the girl retorted patting his knee for good measure. Now that she knew what the name did to him, it'll definitely be something she'd make a habit in using.

At that Michael internally screamed. He could help but wonder how her hand would feel trailing further up his thigh. Gripping the steering wheel before his thoughts got too far off track, Michael slowly took a few deep breaths before resuming is cocky facade. "You know I would. Sweetheart," he added the sweetheart just as he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.

"You might want work on being more discrete Mr. Clifford. Just a FYI," Camille smirked st his confused expression. "You checking out my ass every given opportunity. Now I know it's perfect and all but I'm sure you wouldn't wanna bust a nut out in public. Am I right." Michael attempted to stutter out an excuse as Camille just laughed and continue to sip at her drink. "What no remark or an attempt at throwing some makeup knowledge at me. Wow Clifford. It's only the second date and I'm disappointed," she dramatically sighed out and the boy couldn't help but blush at her calling this a date. It wasn't much but he was still glad at the not so great lighting that prevented her from seeing.

"So this is a second date huh?"

"Of course. Did you really think I let you take me out to teach me some damn makeup colors. Although I'm sure that's the last thing on your mind," she shrugged. He picked her up, opened the door for her and even said he'd pay. As far as she's concerned it's a date and hopefully he thought the same.

Now officially knowing this was a date Michael smartly through out "so we're dating now huh? Guess O really can call you sweetheart now."

"No and no actually. You're gonna have to do a lot better than creep eyes all night and Mexican food Mr. Clifford," Camille rolled her eyes thanking the waiter who had handed them their food and nodding him off as we walked away. "I'm sure I can find the means," he retorted catching her eyes and staring her down. "Cute. But I don't fuck on the first or second date. Too bad," she added back breaking their eye contact and began eating her food.

"As she ate and he ate and they joked Michael was mesmerized by her. She was beautiful and sexy and witty and adorable all rolled into one and she was actually on a date with him and he may actually have a chance. He was a 6 and she was a 10. Even a flip of her hair could get him overwhelmed with all kinds of thoughts. She is a like an actual goddess and he may actually have a chance with this girl. "Any siblings," she inquired interested in knowing more about him in a game of 21 questions.

"Nah. I'm the only one. How about you. Other than you and your sister."

"I have a step brother if that counts. He's been my step brother for like the last ten years so he may as well be my real brother.His names Calum. You'd probably like him, he's great," Camille answered honestly. Calum was like an actual brother to her, despite not having any blood relation. "Wanting me to meet the family already. When's the wedding and can we adopt like a kitten or something," Michael joked causing a kick to come from under the table.

"I'm joking," he put his hands up in a surrender notion. "But if you think he's cool enough to meet me. The Michael amazingly hot and fantastic Clifford then he must be one hell of a guy. I'm down."

"Nah it's more like I think you're cool enough to meet him. Although, you work in a sephora. Might hit have to rethink that one."

"You're really fucking adorable," Michael accidentally blurt out at the sight of her younger stuck out at him. Embarrassed he through his hands over his face to prevent the red from taking over, not noticing the genuine smile that was put on the girl's face.

"Look at you Mr. Clifford. Doing better already."

A/N: wayyyy overdue but I have gotten several comments on the last part for me to update so I forced myself and I don't think this turned out too shabby. Hope it was worth it and you guys can finally get off my back ( I'm kidding I'm flattered you guys actually wanna read my writing like wtf I'm trash???) but anyways what's up song references 😊💀. Yeah that's all and don't forget to vote n leave me lil comments they make me happy and feel free to add my social media on my bio and bye peace out girls scouts

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