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"Are you actually going to help me or not, because if not I can be using this time to figure out what i'm going to do instead of having lunch with some guy i just met." Camille snaps annoyed. Right now is Michael's lunch break and he insisted the two of them the two of them head to the food court.

Michael felt slightly amused by her outburst. It didn't annoy him, or offend him in any way. Truth is, he could easily help her and have moved on with his life, but this girl is absolutely gorgeous, and he'd be a fool to not take advantage of this opportunity. "wow. Your patience is outstanding. Teach me about it," Micahel says, rolling his eyes.

"I'm starting to think you, for one know absolutely nothing about those palettes, and that virgin name you spit out earlier, only caught your eye because its name and your male hormones." The girl says, her patience running low with this guy. If he only wanted to go on some kind of date with her, he honestly didn't need to make up this elaborate lie and say he could help her out, when clearly he can't.

At that Michael smiled. He knew the perfect comeback for her. "Strange accusations you're making there sweetheart. Almost as strange as guy like me working in sephora huh? Bright orange-red hair, tattoos its all pretty strange. I mean speaking of strange things; strange. the very first color in the naked three palette. A pale neutral pink matte-satin color." he says casually before placing two fries in his mouth, his eyes now burning hole through Camille. "I mean sure it doesn't have a nice fun name to it, but whats there to do? Id say maybe it should be called something like valentines day sex, but that's just my opinion." He adds on, laughing at the girls perplexed expression.

"Trust me sweetheart. I sadly know every single last color in all three of those sets." Camille groaned, believing him one hundred percent, and if she wanted to know which one she should get her sister this guy could be of real use.

"Don't be a pervert," was all she managed to say, after fully comprehending his last statement.

"I haven't even reached those names yet. I'm barely scratching the surface sweetheart." Was all Michael said, now getting up to throw his try away. Camille found herself yet again, following the bright haired boy intrigued. "What do you mean first off. Secondly, stop calling me sweetheart, I'd prefer Camille or Cam. You're choice."

"I'll go with Cam for now. But don't expect the sweetheart name to just disappear." Michael said, sighing at the fact that his lunch break was almost over. Back to bright lights, giggling girls, and makeup everywhere. "Listen Cam, my lunch break is practically over and now I have to go back to hell, oops I mean work so put your number in-" he sighs handing her his phone "and we can work out anouther meeting." He smiles once he sees the number saved as 'your student' and immediately texts a quick 'hi'.

"Just to make sure its not a fake number," the boy says one she hears the text notification.

"What time do you get off work? Maybe I'll text you," the girl says biting back a smile. She came to the mall to do some Christmas shopping and is leaving with a cute boy's number. A slightly annoying one, but nonetheless Michael was hot and she couldn't deny. Plus he will also be her key to surprising her sister with the best palette. What a successful mall trip.

"I leave at eight. Although, please feel free to come in and pretend to shop, so I can pretend to help. That job is hell." he laughs. The two didn't even notice, they had started making their way back to sephora.

"I thought it'd be fun for a guy. I mean all the opportunities to flirt with girls. Unless, you're in the closet.." Camille trails.

"I am most definitely straight. Besides, most of the girls in there don't exactly gravitate towards me, and the ones that do, I just don't feel the connection. Now you on the other hand," Michael laughs, raising his eyebrow at the girl.

"Look at you. Flirt master 3000." The two start laughing, as Camille starts to feel at ease around him.

The two reach the store, and at that Michael makes a dramatically long sigh. "Ah the sweet smell of makeup and blinding lights. I do not miss that on lunch break." Truth is, he had a love-hate relationship working in sephora. The love part comes in with the fact that he gets to freely ogle girls, and his coworkers and boss are really nice. Plus the pay is actually pretty decent. The hate factor comes in with annoying customers, and the stupid unnecessarily bright ass lights. He almost knows as much about makeup as he does about video games, and that's saying a lot.

"Listen Michael, I'm gonna go finish the rest of my sorry attempt at Christmas shopping, and then probably wallow in self pity, because I'm shit at this. I'll text you later?" Camille says laughing, but she was also very serious. She'd probably end up leaving in the next ten minutes and going home and throwing herself a pity party really soon.

"Don't get any other worker's numbers." Michael calls out jokingly as she starts leaving, to which she receives a "no promises" and a wink. Did he just manage to get one of the most attractive girl's he'd ever seen in his entire life's number and a wink from her. Holy shit.


a/n: this sucks but so do i. pre warning this story is gonna get a whole lotta sexual and a whole lotta innuendos up in here bc those names in those palettes -eye emoji-. Hopefully i pull this off right pray for me. Anyways probs wont start picking up for another 2-4ish chapters. But thanks for reading my shitty writing you guys the real mvp.

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