3 - No need

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Its already three month me being a husband. Since marriage i only see my husband once. Even we dont leave together i make sure all his needs provided. I make sure he is safe and always protected. I find it interesting when he never call me. He really live in his own world. After marriage to him i start learn about himself. Beside his pass away mom, he never mention any of his family from plowden. Plowden is a big name and mostly people will love to be link with this family because they always look for popularity. They are always in the media. As for my family, no one dare to mess with us. We are the strongest and the most powerful family but also mystery. Our family name are always in the media for being the rich or what ever ranking they have but no one know my family members. Only people in our circle know who we are. That why our family become very mystery.

Boss, apo call me and ask me to look at the stage. I never know he was invited as a performer. This is private event. All of the attendance are from prestige family and well known people. To be invite to this stage mean he is really big out there. He look much better now. Your husband really handsome apo whisper to me. I dont think he notice that i am in the crowd. He perfom sweetly and everyone enjoy his singing.
Take care of any issue later i said. In the sea of jaws i am sure he will receive a lot of invitation tonight. After performing he just nod politely and leave the stage.
Who is he one of the old tycoon ask his friend. He is my taste he said and laugh nastily. He wont attend to anyone his friend said. People call him angel because he refuse invitation politely and no one will force him. He is that delicate the old man ask again. Yup, we only can see him from far his friend said and laugh again. But i know how to get him another person said. Now i look at apo who also listen to the conversation.
Plowden, he is one of them but adopted. I heard plowden start offering him for more business project he said. Are you sure the old man sound interested.
Now apo and i look at each other. I will check on that apo said and start making a call. I dont know why but i felt really angry. Even he is adopted, how could they use him as a gift.

I excuse myself and try to look for him. May be he already leave. Sorry the waiter scarely said when he bump with me. Sorry khun he said again. Its okay i said and move to rest room. While holding my jacket i walk slowly to the lift because i want to escape from the party. Over my death body ,i heard someone shout and a very familiar voice. You know i am married, how could you plan for something like this, he ask coldly. No one care about you. You just need to suck on their dick. What the big deal another people said. Then ask your own son he said coldly. You bastard, follow by slap sound. Go to the room when i am being nice, he yell. Leave me alone, you promise we will cut all our ties, the other one said.
I cant take it anymore and get into the room. I cant let someone being bullied. He clearly refuse to do what ever the other one ask.

Now both of them look at me shockly. I am beyond suprise. So they are my husband and my father in law. I can see my husband red face because of the slap. What going on, i ask coldly. Mile, what are you doing here, my father in law ask. I am waiting for my husband, i said coldly. Bright look at me with wide eyes. He look so cute. Oh okay, i wont disturb you, he quickly run. Now i look at my husband . Are you okay bright, i ask him gently. Thank you, i will leave now he said. Wait, i said and hold his hand. Again he yelp when i hold his hand. Let me see, i said a bit firm. Its nothing he said but i refuse to let him go. I can see another bruise. I will take you home, i said. Thank you, but no need, he said clearly refuse my offer. He is somehow stubborn. Apo we are leaving now, i call apo and carefully drag my husband. He reluctantly follow me and getting angry. When i said we start with a friend, i mean it, i said to sulky guy beside me. Its mean you can ask for my help. I just one call away i said. Its okay, tonight is my mistake. I should leave as soon as i could. I never expect my dad is waiting for me there. It will never happen again he said firmly. Where is your manager, i ask him. He need to cover for me in the party. That how we get away everytime, he said. Apo look at me from the back mirror. He nod, and i immediately understand. Are you being black mail, i ask him directly. What i have to be black mailed of, he ask me back. Apo just smile at the front. So you are being strong with me and being bully by your family, i said. He now look at me. You dont know anything, he said angrily. You can stop here, i will go home myself, he said. Can you stop phi, he ask apo. Apo look at me. Drive, i said. Bright, look, i dont mean harm. I just want to help, i said gently when i see he being angry. I am your husband, i will help you, i said. No need, i dont need anyone including you he said.


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