11 - Naughty

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I look and smile looking at my gorgeous husband who now sleeping.  I am happy now that he more carefree with me. I can see how the plowden look at him with so much hate. I can feel they are planing for something.  Dont worry baby, i will protect you with my life, i said slowly and kiss his nose. The beautiful and completeness i felt right now make me more determine to protect my husband.

All the news and media become wild and crazy. Every media reporting how my husband left his old company and move to bigger company. I know this will make a headline and his competitors will use this to drag him down. At first i just plan to let it go naturally but when apo said that someone try to hype the news and keep on slandering my husband. I have to take action. I dont want him to felt hurt with the slander. Are you okay, i ask my husband who now playing chess with bible. He look at me weirdly. Have you read the news, i ask him. He casually nod. And, i ask him. Its your job to settle it for me, he said and focus back on his game. Am i right boss, he ask bible who incharge in our entertaiment company. Yes, its all because he want to scout you, bible said. I just glare at both of them.  He is getting smart, apo said and chuckle.After some time i can see his cheekiness and playful self. I am very happy and satisfy for this changes.

Its the plowden, pete said. They keep paying to the reporter and media, pete report to me. Now its time to show him who we are, i said. Got it, boss, apo said. Within 24 hours, all of the media and reporter who slandering my husband receive a letter from our lawyer. The chaos and the exagerate new suddenly calm. No one dare to publish any news. Then, come another paid hater who claim my husband has been backup by big power. He have been a sugar baby to someone powerful keep trending..
I told you, he look at me annoyingly. I only can laugh. He really hate this. He can accept any hate except for this. You should do something, he demand to me. I look at my furious husband. Dont worry jeff are working on it. It just stupid guy who being a key board worrior, i try to calm him. I hug him softly. Now all my friend leave us alone. They know i need space to comfort my husband.

Now i felt relieved when i make the plowden disown my husband for real. They even make media conference and admit their son mistake for slandering my husband. At the same time i believe no one will trust them anymore when they try to harm my husband in the future. Pete manage to get all the prove of luke illegal activity. So we presure the family until they have no choice and admit their son mistake. I make sure all media cover for this this issue. I want everyone know how greedy and cruel this plowden are.
" I forgive him, i am tired of this. Please leave me alone"  bible make my husband tweet this sentence.
Now,  i can see how his fans become furious and curse luke and the family. There are attacked to the point where plowden company have to close their website. All of his fans keep bashing and cursing them at any medium if they find any news related to plowden.
That was awful, my husband said while laying on me. You are heavy, i said. He look at me angrily. I am not, he reply. It just you are so weak, he said not noticing how i am trying to control my self now. Opps, he said when he feel me getting harder. Sorry, i need to go, i have schedule he said and leave me with blue balls. Dont blame me tonight, i yell at him. Naughty, i said and go to bathroom.

He look so calm and profesional. He answer all the question gracefully. Bible stay close to him and make sure everything is under control. Bible is known as someone unpredictable and respected in the industry. When the boss come to welcome the new artist, its mean something big are ready for my husband.
Thank you for your support, my husband said and bow in his grand welcome ceremony before receiving the interview.
Bright, can you tell me how you get into this company, one of the reporter ask.
Its work hard, and all of you can see in my portfolio, he reply.
Is it true you have somebody for backup, one of reporter ask.
Which media you come from, he ask and look at bible. I only can laugh. He really hate this.
Why you choose this company another reporter ask
Because they are the best for now he reply.
What make you choose this company, the same reporter ask
Ist ,the payment. Next, is i can be in relation.
This is great success, do you have anyone to share, this reporter ask
My fans, and my back up he reply casually.  The reporters look at him with wide eyes.
I only can shake my head. Prepared for the impact, i said and apo just chuckle leaving me.
Backup, the reporter try to reconfirm.
Yes, my big backup, he reply
Anything else, he ask back.
The reporter try to ask him and start getting excited.
That for now, bible said and quickly bring my husband in.

Come here, i call him immediately when i see him. He now look at my and try to run. You naughty boy, i said and flick his forehead. We just do the clean up for you, but you. I cant continue my word when he look at me with his sad eyes. You said, i can do anything i want, and you will settle it for me, he said then smile cheekily. You stupid, naughty boy, dont blame me if anything happen after this, i said then laugh slowly. Are you having a good time baby, i ask him. He nod and hug me tight. Thank you husband, he said sincerely.

Now not only the media from entertaiment but also from business class, from local and international are waiting for our press conferance. Finally after 31 years i finally make my debut to the media. I need to get involved because the backup issue seem cant stop and even relate to many political and royal. He now look at me with guilty. I am sorry, he said. Its okay, i smile and peck his lips before entering the venue.

Hi, i am Mile Phakphum Romsaithong, the big backup to my husband, bright vachirawit  Romasaithong.

The end❤

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