4 - You are right

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I look at my husband who now lead me to our home or i can say my home. He never come since that first time. I leave here alone but i know everyday someone come to clean and cook for me.
My wardrobe keep changing from time to time. I receive new car and everything that i need. I even receive my allowance that i never use.

Let treat your injury he said. Its okay, its not that hurt i said. You can go now i said and he look at me. Apo already leave, i will stay here tonight he suddenly decide to stay over. As you wish i said and leave him alone.
I am extremely angry right now. I just know how my foster father offer me to his business partner. I slowly caress my face. I promiss i will never let this happen again.

Wait, i said when i heard someone knock. Let me in, he said and i reluctantly open the door. Let me see, he said and check on my cheek. Its okay, i said again. Can i call you bright, he ask me. I nod. You can call me phi mile, he said. I look at him and ask, is that all. Phi mile just smile and chuckle. If you use a bit of this attitude you wont be bullied in the plowden house. I felt being looking down but he is not wrong.
You are Romsaithong now, how could you bring shame to our name, he ask while slowly treating my cheek and wrist. I only can look at him. I really dont expect for this. I never feel that he is my husband. You have all the power, why are you yield to your family evil, he ask and look at me calmly. No, i dont have, i quickly reply. Do you think i am happy being bully, i ask him back. You have my name, Romsaithong. What more power you need, he ask me. You have the bigest power, why dont you use it, you can use me to protect yourself , he said again. I refuse to agree but deep in my heart i felt touch when a stranger husband said something that i never imagine for. I felt protected for the first time. Dont regret it later, i said try to intimidate phi mile. Try me, he said confidently. You just need to remember. we, Romsaithong cant be bully at any cause but trust me, you can do anything you want, i will back you up, just dont get hurt. So dont worry, he said firmly.
Okay, he ask me again. Dont you think, it sound really wrong, i ask him. No, its not, its always right to fight back and pay back ten fold, he said firmly. He look so soft and calm, i never expect he have this side of him. Dont be scare, you have me now, he said again. I am not scare, i said clearly. Okay, what ever, dont let me see you being bully again. From wasting  your energy on anger and cry alone you should stand for yourself, he said again.
You know how to use phone right, he ask me scarsticly. I glare at him. If you know, call me when something like this happen again, he said. Like he care, i slowly mumbling. He now act almighty when he dont even care about me. He just look at me and smile. Good night,he said and leave me alone.

I dont know how it happen, but my life now become easier. I dont have any weird call, and demand from my foster family. I dont need to use my husband family name. I now still active in my career and live a normal life like before beside i have big secret which is married man. It will be disaster if my shipper know about this. I still consider about attending phi joss birthday party. Like always he invite me to his party but i usually dont go because luke hate it so much. So to make my life easier i avoid attending phi joss party and send him the present every year. I felt a bit guilty, beside grandpha he is the only one who treat me nicely. I still keep chatting with phi joss when i arrive home. I happily open the door and like always i lay on the sofa. Ouch, phi mile said when i landing on him. Sorry, i quickly stand up and look at him. Are you okay phi, i ask him guiltily. He just nod and in teasing mode he said. How could you smack down your husband as soon as you meet him after a long time he said. You should inform me that you will be here, it your fault. I always alone, you cant blame me i said annoy  being teased.

How come you never eat at home, he ask me. I look at him with inquary eyes. I know everything, so dont try to lie, he said. Since we are talking about this, can you stop this cooking thing. I always eat out. Its a waste i said. So you know its a waste, but still eat out for food which is not guranty with hygiene and nutritous, he said. I really cant believe it, he come home just to nag me about hygiene and nutritious food. From now on try to eat at home, he said. I eat alone all my life, i will never refuse a chance to eat with my team and friend, i said clearly. You should stop the service, i said firmly. Now he look at me deeply. Why are you always angry with me, he ask me. That sentence make me silent. I look at him annoyingly. He really know to make me silent. What are you so happy about till you cant see me, he ask me. I dont know why but i feel like being caught of cheating. Its not what you think. He treat me like a brother. He is one of a few people who accept me during my younger year, i quickly said. Bright, relax. I just ask, i know nothing he said. I look at him. I dont trust him. He know everything. I promise i know nothing.he said firmly. I am talking with phi joss, he invite me to his birthday party, i finally telling the truth. So, he ask me again. I still considering weather i should go or not. I dont want to see my foster family there i said. The you should not go, he said casually. Really,i ask him. Yup, why you still want to get involve with them, he ask me. You are right, i said. Stop the food service, i said and leave my husband alone. I know he will leave like before.


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