Episode 5

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I sit on a sturdy operation table made of wood, with various medical instruments on a smaller table in front of me, and I stare at the glass bottles of remedies and tinctures on the shelf next to one of the small windows. "There we go." Maia smiles as she finishes wrapping the bandage around the top of my head, its antiseptic scent lingering in the air.

I place a hand on the wound, grimacing at the touch as pain throbs. "Is it going to leave lasting scars?" I turn to look at Miche, who is lying on the other operating table, strapped down and still unconscious from sedation. Luckily he survived the ordeal, now I just have to make sure he does time enough for what he did to me.

"You'll still look pretty with scars." The medical instruments clink as Maia packs them into a small bag, raising a brow as she stares. "What? It's okay. I care about my looks too." I turn my face away as she moves to stash it in an empty section of the bookshelf. "Do you need anything else?"

"Something to alleviate the pain?" She reaches for the cabinet that is filled with various herbs, ingredients, salves, and vials. Packing a few of the small vials before offering them to me. "Thank you." I hesitantly reach for the pack. "I've grown accustomed to facing resentment for what some perceive as vanity."

"Aren't we all?" My brows raise in surprise. "It won't leave scars, don't worry. I hope I don't see you here again tomorrow; you're the first person to show up two days in a row." My heart sinks at the comment; I should've shrugged the pain off. Now everyone is going to think I am fragile. "Anything else?"

"I have everything I require." I get up and walk towards the door, hiding the pack of vials under my overcoat before opening the door and heading to the Captain's office. Walking past the stares and barely audible whispers, Carla's words flashes in my mind but I ignore it. They are free to doubt me but I know I deserved to be here.

"How are you feeling, Lieutenant?" Marvin's small green eyes watch with concern as I reach the lounge at the end of the hallway.

"Perfectly fine." I move to sit right next to Carla, who has a small mirror in hand looking at the bruise on her cheek. "What about you, Carla?" A smirk tugging at the edge of her lips as she puts away the mirror, turning to look at me with a frown.

"This bruise is nothing, but my back sure hurts."

"It was unintentional." A slight raise in my voice as a frown escapes me, heart burning with anger. I doubt the kick hurt more; Carla is just getting on my nerves as always. "I apologize for that. I should have exercised more caution." I keep my voice calm and low.

"Yes. Caution, what you did was reckless." Carla crosses her arms, and I turn my face away in frustration refusing to meet her stare. "Could've gotten us killed out there." I meet her stare, jaw tight as my muscles tensed.

"Come on now." She turns to Reiner, and my hand clenches into a fist, inhaling deeply before I relax my hand as I let out a long subtle exhale. "The fight was happening regardless, did you see me in action? I sure showed those bastards." He smiles proudly as he stands up, flexing his muscles and laughing to which Percy shakes his head.

"Firelights." They turn their attention to me. "Any information about them?" I fold my arms, and they shake their heads. "How did you come to know that criminal? And what did he mean by 'Imperial hounds'?" I focus my attention on Percy.

"It was a long time ago, back when we were kids." Percy shrugs. "To them, Enforcers are just thugs in uniform but that's not important. I'll talk to him again to try get some more information. I am sure he is willing to talk when no one is around." He smiles confidently.

"At least we have a name, a gang name but that's still something to go on." Reiner crosses his arms as he thinks, his usual gentle expression turning to a menacing frown. "You trust this Miche?" Percy nods.

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