Episode 7

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I walk through the marketplace, jostling for space within the crowd, clothes rustling as I slither past them to the sounds of coins and voices mingling. I stop by one of the makeshift stalls displaying trinkets and vibrant fabrics. "How much do you charge for the scarf?"

The merchant smiles, taking the crimson scarf made of silk and places it around my neck. "Thirty silvers." He smiles hopefully, "But for a beautiful lady such as you, I would sell it for twenty." A chuckle escapes me. "How could I possibly decline such a generous offer?" I take out the coins from the pouch hanging on my waistbelt to pay. "You have my gratitude." I smile before turning, and a man in a dark coat bumps into me, my jaw tightens with frustration as a frown escapes me.

"I am sorry." Watch where you're going, that is what I wanted to say but the words remain stuck in my throat. My heart is pierced by charming dark green eyes, and a charming smile. "I should've paid more attention." He lets out a sigh in frustration, brushing his dark, thick, and long hair to the side in a messy side part.

"It's alright." I smile, gazing deeply into his eyes. "In a crowd like this? Bumping into someone is inevitable."

"Thank you for understanding." He sighs in relief. "But it was still my fault, I should've been more careful. Again, I am sorry." He bows his head low before walking past me, and I resume my walk to follow the strong aroma of grilled fishes and fried dumplings Percy mentioned. Clattering pots and pans, sizzling grills greet me as I reach the food market.

The heat of the sun beating on my skin, I unfasten the button on my collar, tugging at it to let more air in before stopping beneath the roof of one of the food vendors and spotting my team further ahead. I inhale deeply, the scent of herbs and spices invading my senses as I approach them. "Have you finished your lunch?"

Reiner turns to look, his eyes wide in surprise before he puts down his bowl of fish to stand in attention. The others stand in a collective display of discipline before he salutes, save for Carla who remains seated. "Lieutenant."

I return the salute. "At ease, everyone." I relax, and everyone relaxes before returning to their seats, digging a spoon into the tender meat of the fish and savoring it.

Reiner rubs at his short blonde buzzcut as he glances at Carla. "I am glad you finally decided to join us." He smiles sheepishly at me.

"I've decided that it's in our best interest to spend some leisure time together as a team, unless the invitation had an expiration date."

Reiner lets out a nervous laugh. "Of course not, you're welcome to join us anytime." He smiles, and Carla pushes her empty bowl aside and wipes her mouth with a napkin in a permanent scowl.

I turn to Benzo as he walks by me. "I'll have a bowl of noodles." He nods before carrying on, and I take my seat. "The expense is on me today." Carla's large, suspicious eyes bore into me. "What is it?"

"To what do we owe the pleasure this time?" Carla's tone is skeptical. "Another bribe to work us overtime?" Carla smirks, arching a perfectly groomed eyebrow.

"I consider you a friend, and nothing more."

"I'll believe you; I am sure you enjoy our company." Carla's tone drips with mockery, making it clear she doesn't believe a word of it.

Marvin shifts nervously, clearly uncomfortable with the exchange. "The Lieutenant has been nothing but kind to us; you should drop the hostility already." Carla rolls her eyes at Marvin.

I clear my throat. "Is now a suitable moment to discuss the Firelights?" Carla bursts out laughing.

"I knew it." She says through her laughter, "We're not risking our necks; let Lieutenant Connor handle it." She crosses her arms in front of her chest as the corner of her lips tugs into a smirk. "It has nothing to do with us."

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