Episode 4

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I open the door to the hallroom to see a group of crowds scattered across the hall, and I rub the back of my head as I yawn, walking past the mutterings of gossip. Walking through the hallway to reach the end where the rest of the team is already waiting by the lounge, I turn to raised voices and yelling coming from Captain Reinhart's office.

My eyes widen in surprise as the door slams open; it's my dear Lieutenant, the fair skin of her face red with anger and a frown, yet it does not make a difference. To me, she appears as adorable as ever. Captain Reinhart is standing behind his desk, eyes staring at her as the door closes itself. "What was that all about? We saved both the ship and cargo, didn't we?"

"We allowed the perpetrators to get away." She folds her arms. "I allowed him to get away." Her face turned away from me. "We must track down the individuals responsible." I shake my head in disbelief; I was really hoping to go on a date today. The others approach with sullen faces, clearly disappointed that they're not having the day off. "Should we kick off or grab some breakfast first?"

Now why would she even ask that? Isn't it obvious? Reiner's stomach growls in answer, and a sheepish smile escapes him; that embarrassing oaf. "Breakfast?" Reiner's voice seemingly pleading, and disappointment becomes apparent on her face, it is clear to me now that she'd rather get to work immediately and skip breakfast. Though everyone else nods at breakfast, and that includes me.

"All in favor then? Breakfast it is." I smile widely.

"I am going to eat at the Cafeteria today; I had to use up my coins for an emergency." Marvin lets out an awkward laugh. I have nothing against the guy, but I do wonder how he managed to be enlisted. His results speak for themselves, but he is so short that he should not even be qualified for the training corps.

"Where's your usual hangout? Today's menu is on me." My eyes glimmer, lips smiling widely as the sound of her voice is made sweeter with the generous offer. Benzo's food isn't expensive at all, but I wouldn't mind saving a few coins.

"Are you trying to curry favor through bribery?" Carla smirks, side-eyeing her. The idiot; she's going to ruin our free meal, Can't she be negative and sarcastic after the meal?

"At Benzo's, down in Bracken." I cut her off, showing my excitement through my tone. "I appreciate your generosity, my dear Lieutenant. You will not regret having meals there...his cooking is the best." The best I tasted at least, would someone as refined as her think the same? We will find out soon enough.

"I won't be joining, I am afraid." My heart sinks. "I have things to do but surely this amount would be enough?" She takes out ten silvers, much to Carla's annoyance; it is more than enough, clearly she is used to the cost of meals prepared in luxury restaurants such as the White Orchard. As expected of a noble.

"That would be enough." I take the coins from her hand, her skin soft at the touch; it is true what they say. The academy is paradise in comparison to the training we had to go through; it makes me wonder if their top ten is as good as our top ten. "You are welcome to join us if you have the time." She smiles warmly. "The stall shouldn't be hard to find, just follow the smell." I exaggerate my inhale.

"We'll rendezvous at the White Orchard, enjoy your meals." She turned to walk away, and a pang of disappointment clutched my heart; of course she would eat at the White Orchard. Why would she share a meal with peasants? In fact, why would she eat in such a place?

Carla rolls her eyes at her; she has never been easy to be friends with, it's like she gets a kick from people being mad at her. But she is working overtime and giving her best efforts to annoy our dear lieutenant. "Why do you hate her so much, Carla? She's one of the kindest people I've ever met." Carla scoffs at my words, crossing her arms as she stares at the Lieutenant.

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