Episode 14

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In the back alley of the Hound's Pit, surrounded by peeling paint of nearby buildings whose color had faded with time, Miche sits at the bottom of the rusty iron staircase that leads up to the roof of the building. Mathilda is sitting on top of a barrel, with stacks of crates neatly arranged next to her.

I wipe away the sweat on my forehead as I approach, and she offers a smile as I sit on top of the stacked crates. "Do you want to try?" Her eyes widen, lips parting in surprise before a wide smile escapes her. Shaking her head gently. "Why not? I see the way you look at us practicing."

"I'm not sure it's something I should do." She turns to look at Emrys and Arthur, her smile withering into a frown as her eyes narrow in focus. Chest rising with a deep inhale, my brows furrowing as I turn to a thud. Arthur has thrown Emrys over his shoulder, Arthur's favorite move. "Don't be mad, it's happened quite a few times."

"I'm not angry."

"Why don't you play fight with your..." I lean closer to her for a whisper. "Lover." She turns to look at me, brows raised and eyes wide with surprise, lips parting in disbelief and at a loss of words. "What happened last night? Emrys was staring out the window forever smiling like an idiot." A chuckle escapes me. "Did that idiot confess or something?"

She clears her throat, cheeks burning red as she turns away. "No need for assumptions." She fights back her smile; I've never seen anyone fall in love so hard and fast. We both fell for her first, but it looks like she fell harder. "You've known him since childhood, what is he truly like?"

"He was a sweet boy, kind and genuine." I turn to look at him, still practicing with Arthur. "War makes monsters of us all; I can see it in his eyes sometimes... cold and murderous. But most of the time? I'd like to believe he is still the same kid." A smile escapes me; everyone loved Arthur when we were younger; they probably still do. But Emrys? He's a keeper.

"What exactly do you mean by 'war'? Are they honorary Imperials from the Draft?"

"They fought in the war and survived, not that it meant anything." I turn to look at her; it seems to be something she has a hard time processing by the look on her face. "Do you hate soldiers? I am sure they aren't that kind of soldiers. They're good people; I know that."

"Of course." She forces a smile.

I turn to look at them again but catch sight of Ben, an imposing figure with a golden mullet, and at his side is a tall but lean unknown man. A pale face that is framed by straight long hair dropping to his chest, and he carries two swords on his back. "Junior assured me his old friends wouldn't be a problem, but here we are. Let's settle our score, Firelights." The imposing man smiles.

"When did assassins start hunting in daylight?" Arthur takes a step forward, placing a hand on his front hip. And the assassin puts his hands on the hilts of his swords, drawing them in a metallic rasp. "Can I go get my sword real quick?" Arthur chuckles.

I dive out of the way as Ben throws out his Bolas, but Miche gets caught in it as he bolts towards it, trying to play hero and got himself wrapped up instead. "Mathilda, free him." I reach for my throwing knife; Emrys runs into the backdoor as Arthur is weaving away from the blades aiming for his throat.

I whip my hand out, my knife piercing through the air, clanging against the assassin's blade as he blocks it. His eyes flicker towards me in a cold stare; he staggers back from a kick from Arthur that lands on his chest. Ben charges forward against Arthur, catching and grappling him. I throw another knife, but the assassin dodges it, exploding towards me in a speed of light.

I reach for my knife, but it is too late; the assassin's blade is coming down at me. A clash of blades echoes in the silent alley, his blade slammed upwards in a spark of metal against metal, and a smile escapes me. It is Emrys, deflecting the blow with his blade.

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