Episode 2

46 19 10


I pick up my uniform, a dark blue military overcoat with gold trimmings, and wear it over my sleeveless white silk shirt before approaching the mirror. Back straight, shoulders squared, chin held high as deep-set dark brown eyes stare back from the reflection with a frown. My wavy black hair is styled into a short side-swept bang with the rest pinned into a messy ponytail that falls like waves above my neck.

Music, dance, literature and arts...securing social status through marriage. That is what is expected of me, as if I would waste myself on trifling endeavors such as fawning to noblemen. Why would I settle for being someone's obedient princess? I am a Lavellan; the blood of warriors runs through my veins. Like my forefathers before me, I will serve to protect the people.

A small smile tugs at the end of my thin lips. No one believed in me when I joined the Academy, but not only did I make the cut, I am enlisted as an Enforcer. Not the City Watch but an Enforcer. "Self-admiration?" A hot flush spreads from my face down to my body; Christian is standing by the barely open door. I entertained him for one dinner, and he thinks he could visit unannounced. "Unexpected."

"I wasn't engaging in self-admiration." I turn my face away, hand clutching at the locket hanging from my neck, fighting off the burning embarrassment building inside me. "You neglected to mention another visit in our last meeting." I stared into his bright blue eyes, hand playing with the locket hanging on my neck, forged in the shape of a songbird akin to my family's sigil.

Christian Amell, one of the lesser noble families who rose through the ranks, not the most influential but certainly one of the richest in Lumia now. A man who did not simply inherit his place in the world but made it. As will I; I will not settle as the daughter of a Lavellan. I will be something more. I will leave my own mark in history, perhaps similar to the warrior princess, the Legendary Mathilda The Great.

My heart fluttered as he approached with both hands behind his back, and I inhaled deeply. Is it his beautiful golden hair? How neatly they are slicked back? I can't help but find his short and clean stubble attractive, despite my aversion to facial hairs. It makes him appear regal; perhaps a handsome face could make anything work. "I deemed it necessary to add surprise to your life."

"Surprises aren't precisely my cup of tea." My eyes widen as he reveals the flowers he hides behind his back—a bouquet of freshly picked red roses in white wrapping papers. "Truly, I detest the unexpected." I turn my face away, fighting back the smile trying to break out. Not wanting to show him my feelings.

Distraction. That is what he is, a strong wind wanting to blow me to the opposite direction. When I've achieved all I want to achieve, maybe then but certainly not before. "You claim to be quite proficient with the rifle. A game of marksmanship between us, perhaps?" A smile escapes me, it would be better than small talk over dinner. He is indeed unlike the rest of the nobleman I've met.

"Are you suggesting a challenge, then?" I hold his gaze with renewed composure, and he lets out a chuckle. His lips curve into a wide smile, though his brows, thick and hard-angled, maintain his menacing gaze. Everyone wants a good man, though having a hint of danger has its allure even if only in appearance.

"I envisioned something enjoyable, but a competition it is then." He takes a step closer, standing a head taller than me, and I take a step back from his imposing presence. Not intimidated in the slightest, but I hate it when my personal space is invaded.

"Challenge accepted. How about tomorrow evening?" He gives a solemn nod, and I walk past him. "You can leave the flowers on my desk." I stride out of my room to make my way to City Hall.

The sun dips in the horizon, casting long shadows as I stand in front of the City Hall, a massive structure with soaring arches, towering columns, intricate stonework, and ornate carvings. With a central dome reminiscent of Grand Cathedrals. "The Lieutenant finally graces us with her presence." My jaw tightens at the comment; Carla is being sarcastic as always. And I wasn't that late.

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