Episode 6

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I return to see a closed sign on the Hound's Pit, jaw dropping as I enter to see the once well arranged table and chairs scattered, I look around to see Nana sweeping the wooden splinters and broken glasses glinting under the sunlight that pierce through the windows. I walk across to reach the bar, nearly slipping as I step on a pool of ale spillage on the floor. "What happened?"

"Big Mouse." Emrys looks at me from behind the bar, my brows form a tight knit as a low growl escapes me. My hands clenched into fists. To think he would actually dare to cause trouble in my own home? "Should we got after them?" I let out an angry sigh as I put the groceries on top of the bar. Should I?

The bell chimes and Arthur enters, his face a menacing frown as he casually walk towards the bar and leans his side against the bar. Arm resting on it. "I hope you two are planning on hitting them back."

"We do nothing. They won't dare another attempt."

"You don't win a war playing defense, we kill them before they kill us." He stares back with a frown; war makes monsters of everyone. "You've fought in the war when you were younger, why won't you fight now?" His voice is low but intense, simmering with restrained frustration.

"It'll only make things worse, did you not have enough fighting in the war?" I hold his stare, even if I have to pay protection fees it wouldn't mean anything, as long as everyone is safe that is enough. But I doubt he would agree to that. "Let it go Arthur, this will blow over."

"Evander's right, let's not do anything reckless." Emrys chimes in, smiling warmly.

"Are you scared, Emrys?" Arthur turns his attention to Emrys.

"Do I look scared?" His eyes narrows, smile withering into frown.

"Who are you willing to lose, Arthur? Nana? Emrys?" I remember fighting in the war against the Empire all those years ago but to what end? None of it mattered; it is the silence of my friends that I remember. They who are buried six feet under.

"We won't lose anyone." Arthur's tone is convinced, the years have not mellowed him out one bit. Still stubborn and reckless. "Trust me, Evander, they won't dare set foot in The Gift when I am done with them." I close my eyes with a defeated sigh; there is no convincing him otherwise.

"They better not, else the blood on our streets will be on your hands." I take out my pipe for a deep drag, feeling the smokes in my lungs calming my nerves. "Where were you anyways? You should have been here." Smokes puffing out of my lips.

"Somewhere." Arthur shrugs. "Trust me Evander, I am not as reckless as I used to be. I'll play it smart." I shake my head before putting down my pipe, and Emrys pours two glasses of wine for us both as if subtly telling us to calm down.

"What do you plan on doing?" I pick up my glass of wine, as did Arthur.

"You'll hear soon enough." He smirks, raising his glass of wine in salute.


The building has carved wooden beams and wrought iron accents, a sign with elegant, flowing calligraphy proudly displaying the name "The Blooming Rose." A pleasure house, tavern, and gambling den wrapped into one. A few of the men lurking nearby are definitely Big Mouse's men; they are in fancy suits but thugs regardless.

Their mistake was trying to muscle in on the gift, so now they find me knocking on their doorstep. Evander believes they won't dare try something like that again but I beg to differ. Letting them off without retaliation is weakness; they need to know that we too have claws. And mine are sharper than ever.

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