Episode 16

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I walk through the streets of Bracken and stop before the flower shop, taking in the sweet scent of flowers as I look at an array of vibrant blooms displayed in vases. The shopkeeper smiles at me from behind the glass window of her shop as she attends to a customer inside. I pick up a set of flowers and inhale them, "Daffodils? Running down on luck with the investigation?"

A smile escapes me, and I glance over my shoulder to confirm that it is Major Reinberke. "On the contrary, I've uncovered evidence about them being Firelights. They're also thieves, smugglers, and are operating as a fence as well." He nods approvingly, but that is not why I am here. "There's a party happening at the Blooming Rose late tomorrow night. Do you think you could assemble a task force?"

"The Blooming Rose? That's Lord Harrington's establishment, isn't it?" His tone is surprised. Who would've thought that a member of a council might be involved in something shady? But it is likely that it's his son. Frederick has always been wild, cruel, and disgusting. I turn to stand beside him, looking at the flowers that take his interest.

"His son's. I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved." He adjusts his spectacles with a sigh before picking up a set of purple and red chrysanthemums with a frown. "My sources indicate that there will be drugs present, along with the criminal lord responsible for selling them. Taking action could bring down a significant player in the Underworld of the Outer Districts."

I move away from him to another arrangement of flowers, subtly glancing around me, wary that someone might be watching or eavesdropping on us. It takes him a few moments before he approaches me, standing with his back facing me as he inspects the flowers behind me. "Are you sure about this? We might be biting off more than we could chew." His voice is low, full of doubt and fear.

"Rest assured, I'll ensure the evidence is compelling. Otherwise, I'll signal with a flare to cancel the operation." I pick up a few of the flowers before me, turning to my right to see a couple stopping by and looking at the flowers. "You needn't worry. With this Big Mouse out of the picture, there won't be a hit order being issued." I keep my voice as low as possible.

"I will prepare a team, but what about Strangler and The Butcher? They're the reasons behind this operation."

"I'll locate them soon enough, but they're just thugs following orders. We apprehend this Big Mouse, and it's all over for them too."

"I will order them to move in at midnight, be sure you shoot your flare before." He walks away from me to pay for the flowers he picked up, and I move to the other part of the flowers on display, turning to look at the Major as he makes his exit. I put back the Daffodils in their place before entering the shop to pay for the flowers in my hands.

"Orange roses?" My eyes widen in surprise; he smiles widely at me as he holds my gaze. "Who's the lucky fellow?" I force a smile; flowers' symbolism isn't really my cup of tea. I choose the flowers because I think they fit her. "Here you go." He hands me back the flowers after having wrapped them in papers.

"Thank you." I place the coins on the counter before taking the flowers off his hands, making my way back to Marvin's home. Marvin's grandmother is fond of flowers; she reminds me of my own mother, except my mother keeps a garden of flowers, and his grandmother keeps dead ones.

I hold the bouquet of flowers close to my chest; she feels like a mother I never had. Everything I know about my mother is from the accounts of people that were close to her, and of course, from my own father. And my father, I never thought I'd miss him this much yet I could not risk going home. I should write a letter telling him that I've reached Harmonia soon.

I stop by Marvin's house, a small cottage with weathered bricks, cramped rooms, and tattered roofs. I enter the room to see Emrys sitting on the table; Marvin's grandmother is standing by the small hearth cooking her usual porridge. "What are you doing here?"

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