Outcast daughter

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You are the daughter of Lo'ak, the former son of Tokru Makto, but that all ended when he reached sixteen years old and was accused of some crimes and soon cased out from his clan and family. He had been publicly disowned by his father and family over stuff he didn't do, making his life a nightmare as he was not welcomed anywhere. The worst faith to behold a navi was for them to be kicked out of their clan and stripped of their family name. Soon Lo'ak found happiness when he arrived at a faraway line suffering a horrible fever and passing out, he soon passed out but was saved by unknown girl and that girl was your mother. He has been brought to your mother clan and attend to until he was in better health. He had soon fallen in love with your mother and the clan he had been welcome to soon starting a new life there and having a family of his own.

Loak " my daughter breakfast is ready"

Y/n " okay dad" you soon left your bedroom and stepped into the common area of the family home, you were soon sitting down as your siblings soon started piling inside the home. All you and your siblings had inherited your mother fur ears and fur tail. When it came to you it seem like your had inherited your father eyebrows and five fingers and toes.

Lo'ak " y/n I and your brothers have been invited on a scouting mission with your uncle and cousins"

Y/n " yes father"

Lo'ak " will you be able to handle the home on your own when we are gone"

Y/n "yes father I will show you I can have more responsibility like my brothers"

Eave " the responsibility your gave right now are grand enough little sis"

Y/n " yes big brother"

Rekrr " I see you had changed up your hair last night"

Y/n " oh yes I had decided to push back my bangs a bit so my eyebrows can be seen a bit, mother always said she lived my eyebrows"

Lo'ak " your mother was and will always be right about you children"

Y/n " yes ... is it still wrong I miss her"

Loak " no you can still miss her my daughter"

Eave " hey sis if you can maybe you fix up my gloves or make new ones fro me I love you embroidery work and styles"

Mitxue " she had help me with my hood of my coat last week she need a very good job on it if I may say"

Loak " you do have a beautiful gifted my daughter"

Y/n " sure if might take me two days but I can come up with something for you brother"

Eave " thank you"

Y/n " your welcome"

Loak " now eat all of your before the food gets cold" soon everyone eat morning meal and soon enough your father and brothers, had left to join the scouting party.

Y/n "almost done"

Grandmother (Ivi) " you are getting good my granddaughter with your herb placement and identification"

Y/n " thank you grandmother"

Ivi " you have the talents of wonderful healer and maybe even a tshaik"

Y/n " I will love that grandmother"

Navi women " it looks like a blizzard about to roll in tshaik"

Y/n " do you think the scouting party will be okay"

Ivi " they will be fine my granddaughter now everyone off to your homes" everyone nodded their heads and soon started putting everything away, and started leaving the healer hut.

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