Chapter 18: Rebecca Peterson

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- I got you -

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50

'Marie' and I were supposed to stay after math class to continue working on our presentation. We have to finish it, it's due next week. Strangely, she didn't come today. She doesn't answer my messages or my calls. And the rest of the group -except James because he isn't present- doesn't know where she is. And I thought I saw her this morning. Am I getting crazy? No, she's here. It was math class, she probably just skipped it. Now it's going to be history she will be here. 

The teacher enters the class and starts teaching. 'Marie's' isn't here. Even if the teacher is very passionate, I don't want to learn about World War One right now, I'm heading out. 

"Yes, Rebecca?" says Mr Edison.

"Can I go to the bathroom: I don't feel well."

We exchange looks. Do I have to say that I'm on my period which is technically not a lie? He smiles and nods. I take my phone and leave after a quick look at Silver. Poor him, all alone against the professor. I close the door behind me and walk away from the class. Where could she be? Why am I asking this: she's probably behind the gymnasium. It's still weird because, usually, she warns me. 

Plus, the sun is out today - hidden behind clouds- but still out. It doesn't to try and see if she's there. The corridors are empty, as they should. I pass Liam's classroom, but the door is closed: I think he has a math test today. He studied with 'Marie' last week. She has been making a lot of effort since Christmas, I bet James and Doctor Myers are proud of her and themself. Oh, Max and James's classroom is open. The seat next to Max is empty so James still hasn't arrived. He must be really sleepy then. 

I pass the class without anyone I know notice me. I reach the outside and head to the gymnasium. The sun is here but the outside is still very dark. Is it going to rain? Please, no: I didn't bring an umbrella and I have a performance tonight, I don't want my hair to be wet. Ah, the gymnasium, we are Thursday and it's 2:30 pm so there is a P.E. class. I'm even more surprised now: I don't think she enjoys the whistle of Mr Roberts. 

I turn behind the gymnasium and stop before I step on the body laying on the ground. Blond hair, military-style clothes, that's her and she's sleeping. Damn, she looks so tired and peaceful at the same time.  I sit next to her when I notice that she has a music player. I wonder what she's listening to, she won't mind if I take a look, right? Kingdom dance. Isn't that James's favorite music from Rapunzel? He probably showed her. Liam loves this music too because of the rhythm. He often drags us to the middle of the living room so we can dance like the characters. 

Next to me, 'Marie' moves a little, is she waking up?, yes...yes she's opening her yes. She looks before her and sighs when Mr Roberts whistles. Welcome back to reality, 'Marie'. 

"Rebecca? What are you doing here?" she asks as she removes her headphones.

"Hello to you too, 'Marie', and I am just skipping history class to find you because I didn't see you since this morning in the allay of the school..."

"This morning!" She repeated surprised. She takes her phone. "How long have I slept?" 

On her screen, it's written 3:00 p.m. 

"Well if you sleep since this morning, it's been six hours. "

She sighs and sits, her back against the wall of the gymnasium. She looked at her phone and saw all the messages and calls from Liam and me. When she comes to the end of the notification she erases them with a simple click. 

"You look really tired," I say. "Did you get enough sleep last night?"

She takes a moment to think. 

"I don't know what you call 'enough sleep'..."

"The usual, did you sleep as much as usual?"

"No, it was a busy night yesterday... There was a lot of noise."

I suppose it's normal since the Millers are all gathered there, it makes a lot more noise than when it's only Jams and her. I remember Lindsey loved to put music so loud that we could hear it from the outside but she never did it at night. 

"Was it Lindsey?"

"Well...," she holds her breath, thinking. "No, it wasn't her. It was something else."

That's an unusual answer. 

"Is something troubling you? Someone once told me that if something troubles us it will keep us up at night."

She smiles before laughing. 

"Are you copying me?" she tries to say between her laughs. 

"I would never!"

She laughs again and I join her. She has changed since our first encounter. At least when it's just the two of us, she seems more open. We learned a lot about each other since last time. I guess the list of questions that James and Doctor Myers made was useful. 

I sigh and look at her. She has dark bags under her eyes. I guess it's not the first night she doesn't get sleep. I hope James noticed it too. When I think about it, he has been skipping school too. I thought he was tired but he might be sick to miss school so much. He doesn't answer his phone too so I don't know. 

"I would have invited you to my house but my mother won't agree."

She takes a moment to think or to understand what I said before making a grimace. 

"... I don't think I'm ready to face death, thank you."

"Yeah, I don't think I want you to meet her. You'd be traumatized. Maybe you should ask Liam. "

"He wouldn't sleep all night and won't let me sleep. Don't worry, tonight I will sleep plus James is coming to get me after school."


"I thought he was sick."

"No, no ... Well, unless being tired is a sickness," she laughs. "Oh, what time is it? "

I look at my phone: 4 p.m. 'Marie's' stands up and gives me her hand. I take it and stand up. We walked to the main building together. We reach the main entrance just in time to see Silver enter his father's car. Cole waves at us so we smile at him. Once Silver is in, they leave. 

I decided to wait for James to come so I can talk to him a little. We looked for him around school but we couldn't find so 'Marie's' decided to call him and send him a text. I did too. But he never answered. We waited for thirty minutes in front of the building until she gave up. 

"He might have forgotten..."

That's the old 'Marie'. The one who just says the necessary and keeps silent the rest of the time. 

"It's James, it's not really surprising."

Something is different. Is it because she's tired that her voice sounds...hurt? Maybe. 'Marie' never cared if James came to get her after school. 

"Come on, 'Marie', let's walk home together."

She doesn't say a word as we walk together.  The old 'Marie' is back. When our way separates, she just nods to say goodbye. Well this wasn't unpleasant at all, just weird. She switched so quickly, I hope everything is going to be okay. 

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