The end

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-House of memories-

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50


It's me ... the author, what a surprise right?

Today, I am very proud to annouce that the first book of Amnesiac Swimmer. Finally! It was such a good challenge and experience. I've meet people along the way, they gave me great advice, supported me and my complicated mind. 

About the book...

Of course, my goal for this story is to get published one day .... after multiple review I guess. And I know it might be difficult for me because of the multiple point of view and the three different way of writing the main character's name... and a lot of other thing (like the fact that the genre of the book isn't clear). But it's a goal I would like to achieve and I'd like to give my very best for Marie and the group to be one day in your bookshelf! 

Is it possible? Will she do it ? Find out in the next episode - okay sorry...

Some number...

At the time this is written, it has 1.7k read. The book count 40 chapter -prologue+ epilogue- 4 memory and a playlist. Marie's share her view 20 times. Her brother 4 times. Sunchine boy and Carl 2 times each. Rebecca 3 times while Max only once (for her...<3). Finally we followed Silver's pov 8 times. 

First chapter published on:  3rd march 2023.

Word count: around 59 279 words.

So what's next?  

Yeah, what's next? As I said this is the end of the first book. So yes, there will be a second book. One day... I just have to write it... Anyway, I can confirm that the second book will be in english even though it will take place in France. I don't know if the title of the book will be different but the cover is slightly different. 

The second book will introduce some new character (nice  or bad, u choose) and I hope it will be as good as I imagined it in my mind. I also hope that you'll be here for that next chapter of Marie's life to discover her real name and her past relatives...

And again, if you have question or suggestion or advice for me to improve, i'd love to hear about it. This is the end of the first phase of Amnesiac Swimmer but many more are to come...and I can't wait to continue this adventure.

Have a good day,  

- The author, Marie

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